That's the best part! Gotta troll somebody.He said way too much racist stuff which isn't surprising. I'm glad I skipped it.
88 minute speech. Followed by some 12 year old Kennedy kid attempting to be Obama.
Kill this off already. It's completely unnecessary.
If you don't want to watch it, don't. It's tradition, it's not going to stop.
Anyway, I actually thought he started off strong and then started to struggle. He became progressively worse at reading from a teleprompter, having to keep slowing down and catch where he was. He also saved the end of the speech for the stuff people disagree with him most on. Should have done the tax cut stuff at the end.
They want Trump to fail even if it means America fails . They are worthless sacks of shitdemocrats remained seated while trump announced black and hispanic unemployment at lowest levels ever. that was absolutely terrible.
They want Trump to fail even if it means America fails . They are worthless sacks of shit
You guys are hilarious.
i think its a 45 year low.Can you explain why members of a Black Congressional Caucus would sit in disdain when being told that black unemployment is at lows not seen in decades?
Can you explain why members of a Black Congressional Caucus would sit in disdain when being told that black unemployment is at lows not seen in decades?
i get that they are against trump. i understand it, but why couldnt they at least acknowledge this is a very very good thing.For the very reason you said the whole thing is dumb, it's all showboating.
For the very reason you said the whole thing is dumb, it's all showboating.
Ok- but people cheered for other things. They cheered at other points.
What you’re basically admitting here is that their irrational total hatred for Trump has rendered them unable to simply celebrate something that is supremely GOOD for the populace that they pretend to support and care about.
Whether they believe him or not, whether it is true or not, their show will convince their flocks that Trump is not to be believed. We've reached a point where truth is irrelevant and too many people are basing their beliefs and votes on a small group of people that care for nothing other than their own power.I'll just assume they don't believe him or they think their constituents don't believe him. No idea if the number is "correct" or not - but he does like to spin things.
Anyway - whatever. I honestly can give two effs about any of this stuff anymore. It's a reality TV show. Just gonna live my life and worry about things I can actually control.
This entire thing is a debacle that should be killed off. Thomas Jefferson ended it; Woodrow Wilson brought it back. All of these “special guests” and now the 5 different left wing rebuttals just make this pathetic. I don’t care what side is in office.
Go back to what Jefferson wanted- have the President send to Congress his list of priorities every year and be done with it.
End this pathetic display
democrats remained seated while trump announced black and hispanic unemployment at lowest levels ever. that was absolutely terrible.
Because he was taking credit for something he had no part of. That stat has been on the same trajectory since Obama was in office. Trump didn't do a single thing in his first year to affect it, yet is taking credit for it....among many other things.
W was responsible for any gains during Obama's term, Clinton was responsible for the two recessions under W, Reagan and HW were responsible for the boom under Clinton. Did I do that right?
And you got that statistic from where?Trump averaged 1 lie every 4 1/2 minutes. If you like being lied to for 90 minutes, then this was the speech for you
And you got that statistic from where?
Is there a source you would accept and not immediately claim "fake news"?
I got your fake news right here son !!!Here's some fake news!!!!!!!!:
Considering that CBS’s fact check found truth in most of Trump’s claims, I’m interested to see what source you have.Is there a source you would accept and not immediately claim "fake news"?
No, because now you're trying to dismiss actuall facts by making broad generalizations. Try again.
Is there a source you would accept and not immediately claim "fake news"?
He still hasn’t produced his source.You might as well give up. They'll just go back and forth between themselves whining.
He still hasn’t produced his source.
Because Trump is claiming it as an accomplishment when it was really the work and policies of the previous black president.Can you explain why members of a Black Congressional Caucus would sit in disdain when being told that black unemployment is at lows not seen in decades?