2020 Election, who are you voting for? ***Anonymous voting***

Who are you voting for in the 2020 Presidential Election?

  • Voted for Trump in 2016; voting for Trump 2020

  • Votes for someone else (Hillary or 3rd party/write in) 2016; voting for Trump 2020

  • Voted for Trump 2016; voting for Biden 2020

  • Voted for Hillary 2016; Voting for Biden 2020

  • Voting for Trump but saying Voting for Biden

  • Voting for Biden but not telling anyone

  • Voting for Trump but not telling anyone

  • Didn’t vote 2016; Voting Trump 2020

  • Didn’t vote 2016; Voting Biden 2020

  • Voting 3rd Party 2020

Results are only viewable after voting.


Diamond Knight
Gold Member
Oct 20, 2011
There is a running poll in our premium forum. Word is, the poll is not valid due to it not being representative of the population of youth as most are older on the board.

So, to remove that bias, I wanted to create this poll to get representation from a more inclusive population to reduce prejudice.

You are able to change your vote at anytime and have only one choice.

Thank you in advance for your time. Please feel free to spread the word on this poll.

i will update this periodically

Total votes: 82
Trump: 38 (46.3%)
biden: 37 (45.1%)
Independent: 7 (8.5%)
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Didn't vote in 2016. Wont decide on anything until I see who Bidens running mate is.
It will be a black woman. Not because he thinks she’s the right person but because it’s his only chance. He will say some dumb shit in debates and lose it.
It will be a black woman. Not because he thinks she’s the right person but because it’s his only chance. He will say some dumb shit in debates and lose it.
Thats why I've said that Biden really painted himself into a corner. Just due to sheer numbers the pool is shallow. No offense to black women at all, but the only one on the left that I can think of that is remotely close to being capable of being president is Kamala Harris. If he picked Condi Rice, I probably would vote for Biden, knowing that he likely won't make it 18 months but there's no way the Democrat party would go for it.

I guess thats the danger of using identity politics in choosing a running mate. The pool gets smaller, and smaller, and smaller.
Thats why I've said that Biden really painted himself into a corner. Just due to sheer numbers the pool is shallow. No offense to black women at all, but the only one on the left that I can think of that is remotely close to being capable of being president is Kamala Harris. If he picked Condi Rice, I probably would vote for Biden, knowing that he likely won't make it 18 months but there's no way the Democrat party would go for it.

I guess thats the danger of using identity politics in choosing a running mate. The pool gets smaller, and smaller, and smaller.
I heard the name people think and it’s not either of those 2. I’m not into politics but not those 2.
Holy hell, imagine being so goddamn stupid you still support Trump in July of 2020.
These ppl need to man it up and quit being snowflakes.
Do you think people who vote for Trump want to hear your opinions of their political choices? I would venture to say not since cancel cultural is so prevalent.

There is nothing snowflake about voting privately.
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Do you think people who vote for Trump want to hear your opinions of their political choices? I would venture to say not since cancel cultural is so prevalent.

There is nothing snowflake about voting privately.

Lmao wow you snowflakes are a whiny bunch. Just man up and admit who you are voting for.
I wanted to add an additional
option to designate Rep/Dem/Indy so that we have an idea of poling makeup as well. I don’t have anymore slots to add the options so if you want, please like the post that you are registered as. Thank you.

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Jesus are some of you really so embarassed by your political leader that you wont even admit you like him?

Why not just accept that democrats have come and gone, republicans have come and gone, and we've never had this divided of a nation. Trump is doing this. What is hard to see? Biden wont destroy the nation in 4 years.

Hold your nose and vote for a very very status quo democrat and see your nation in better shape come 2024 when you can vote for a normal republican. Why support a dude that youre embarassed of?
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I thought Trump for sure would lose in 2016. I was traveling internationally a lot for work at the time and many people enjoyed discussing politics. It was amazing being in other countries and someone asking if I liked Rick Scott. I had to explain to people how bewildering those questions were since you could put a gun to a large segment of the populations head and they likely wouldnt know who their own senators were, let alone some random person in Belgium knowing Floridas governor at the time.

In any case, I'll proudly say I'm voting for Biden. He sucks, but I have faith in whoever he chooses for cabinet positions and appoints to others. Trumps best hires have been terrible at best and criminal at worst. They're both nuts and extremely old, but Trump is insane...possibly mentally ill.
I thought Trump for sure would lose in 2016. I was traveling internationally a lot for work at the time and many people enjoyed discussing politics. It was amazing being in other countries and someone asking if I liked Rick Scott. I had to explain to people how bewildering those questions were since you could put a gun to a large segment of the populations head and they likely wouldnt know who their own senators were, let alone some random person in Belgium knowing Floridas governor at the time.

In any case, I'll proudly say I'm voting for Biden. He sucks, but I have faith in whoever he chooses for cabinet positions and appoints to others. Trumps best hires have been terrible at best and criminal at worst. They're both nuts and extremely old, but Trump is insane...possibly mentally ill.

Wow, this is me 100%.

It really does get old travelling internationally and having to explain our choices as a nation. The rest of the world is literally laughing at us.
Jesus are some of you really so embarassed by your political leader that you wont even admit you like him?

Why not just accept that democrats have come and gone, republicans have come and gone, and we've never had this divided of a nation. Trump is doing this. What is hard to see? Biden wont destroy the nation in 4 years.

Hold your nose and vote for a very very status quo democrat and see your nation in better shape come 2024 when you can vote for a normal republican. Why support a dude that youre embarassed of?
False equivalency.
Being silent about who you are voting for is NOT representative of being embarrassed.

Nice try though.

Poll: 62% of Americans Say They Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share”



Not surprising but very disturbing. Half of all liberals want to hurt people for having a different opinion than they do.
The “embarrassed of your candidate” is the classic definition of a straw man argument. That logic couldn’t be further from the truth.
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The “embarrassed of your candidate” is the classic definition of a straw man argument. That logic couldn’t be further from the truth.
Agreed. Nobody is embarrassed by what they believe. That is an illogical fallacy. They are just afraid of the consequences of letting them be known.

That's actually why I have a lot more respect for people who admit to being racist, communist, atheist, etc. Saying it out loud is pretty brave because it might cost you something.
False equivalency.
Being silent about who you are voting for is NOT representative of being embarrassed.

Nice try though.

You’re new here. I think. This is his go to. He puffs his chest, gets proven wrong and then runs away.

Poll: 62% of Americans Say They Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share”



You’re new here. I think. This is his go to. He puffs his chest, gets proven wrong and then runs away.