2024 Election Thread

If you want to participate in honest-to-goodness, adult discussions, you can't just blab any bullsh*t off the top of your head and expect it to quality.
you've ignored this twice, time to explain your answer for it.

Go back to the kiddie table.
then get up and make some room, you pedo creep
you've ignored this twice, time to explain your answer for it.
You do know the issue was whether the 2020 election was a fair one, right?

Instead of trying to convince me that all the evidence of a fair and secure election was bogus, what did you do? You linked a fcuking Gallup Opinion Poll. LMAO.

Typical MAGA response: My Feelings trump YOUR facts!
you've ignored this twice, time to explain your answer for it.

then get up and make some room, you pedo creep
Libtards think the 2016 election was rigged and MAGAts think 2020 was rigged. Appeals to authority. When political leaders say it’s rigged, not sure what you are expecting.
You do know the issue was whether the 2020 election was a fair one, right?

Instead of trying to convince me that all the evidence of a fair and secure election was bogus, what did you do? You linked a fcuking Gallup Opinion Poll. LMAO.

Typical MAGA response: My Feelings trump YOUR facts!
Dear Nazi pedo,

Italicizing the parts that made you feel stupid is not a defense.


your Daddy
You do know the issue was whether the 2020 election was a fair one, right?

Instead of trying to convince me that all the evidence of a fair and secure election was bogus, what did you do? You linked a fcuking Gallup Opinion Poll. LMAO.

Typical MAGA response: My Feelings trump YOUR facts!
Still writing like an imbecile in italics

Then you wonder why nobody debates you or takes you seriously
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Libtards think the 2016 election was rigged...
LOL DId you miss Hillary's Concession Speech? You can find it on YouTube.
and MAGAts think 2020 was rigged.
Where was Donald's concession speech? OH, I forgot, he never conceded and tried to send Capitol Hill into chaos by having his VEEP not certify the EC vote.
When political leaders say it’s rigged, not sure what you are expecting.
Duh. I expect the Gallup poll results we got. The issue is not how Trump's MAGA supporters FEEL, it's the evidence that clearly shows it was a fair election.
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I've wondered why the debate between Biden and Trump is so early. It's really odd. If Biden comes out and gets annihilated on stage and his brain malfunctions, the dems could replace him before the DNC. If they debate in September/October and he pulls that shit, it's over.
The ego maniac is an unhinged nutjob. If Biden said half the crazyass things Trump rambles about, his cabinet would have already removed him from office. You'll witness your boy, Trump's outstanding mental accuity next week at the POTUS Debate.

What a shocker! ;)
Biden likely does say the crazyass things, just he mumbles so much we don't understand him.
I've wondered why the debate between Biden and Trump is so early. It's really odd. If Biden comes out and gets annihilated on stage and his brain malfunctions, the dems could replace him before the DNC. If they debate in September/October and he pulls that shit, it's over.
I still think it will be Michelle Obama.
I've wondered why the debate between Biden and Trump is so early. It's really odd. If Biden comes out and gets annihilated on stage and his brain malfunctions, the dems could replace him before the DNC. If they debate in September/October and he pulls that shit, it's over.
think Nate Silver said this and everyone jumped on him for suggesting it. otherwise it makes zero sense for an incumbent to want a June debate
think Nate Silver said this and everyone jumped on him for suggesting it. otherwise it makes zero sense for an incumbent to want a June debate

I don't recall him saying this. I am kind of puzzled why anyone would get on his ass about it. FFS, the dude is lost 95% of the time and speaks in gibberish. I am honestly quite surprised that he has not yet been replaced...
I don't recall him saying this. I am kind of puzzled why anyone would get on his ass about it. FFS, the dude is lost 95% of the time and speaks in gibberish. I am honestly quite surprised that he has not yet been replaced...
some of it is his stutter but he hasn’t had a good week
I've wondered why the debate between Biden and Trump is so early. It's really odd. If Biden comes out and gets annihilated on stage and his brain malfunctions, the dems could replace him before the DNC. If they debate in September/October and he pulls that shit, it's over.
It seems Dems could assess that without a debate. But there is always the chance that Trump implodes during the debate and they can continue the weekend at Biden’s.
It seems Dems could assess that without a debate. But there is always the chance that Trump implodes during the debate and they can continue the weekend at Biden’s.
Ultimately, it’s Biden’s call. But if he doesn’t watch it, he’s going to become Joe Biden Ginsberg, stay too long, and become a real problem like RBG did in 2020.
This was a pretty decent debate, although I think Brian Tyler Cohen broke his fukcing neck spinning the mental gymnastics of how Biden is completely capable of winning.

Tomi Lahren said it best--she wants Biden to run. He's the one candidate she knows Trump can beat. If Joe gets replaced with someone like Newsom, she is fearful.

smart, Newsome would wipe the floor with Trump in a debate.
To all of the Trump lovers, are you really ok with him bringing 2 gang members with active cases on stage to endorse him? Here is recent footage of one of those guys at the airport. If you can overlook your candidate bringing criminals onstage then I'm revoking your "party of tough on crime" card away.

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To all of the Trump lovers, are you really ok with him bringing 2 gang members with active cases on stage to endorse him? Here is recent footage of one of those guys at the airport. If you can overlook your candidate bringing criminals onstage them Im revoking your "party of tough on crime" card away.

No one here loves Trump.

Hope this helps.
No one here loves Trump.
@DaShuckster & @Gatorbull357 when they see black people not voting for their team


Racist people like Adolf Shooky and GatorBull think minorities are far too stupid to know what's good for them, so they take take it upon themselves to tell them what they need in their lives and how they must vote. And then they call them Uncle Toms and dumb shits when those same minorities feel like they are being pandered to. You know, like Joe Biden loves doing:

Yeah, Black people in this country are too stupid to understand that Republicans who trumpet Anti-DEI and Anti-Critical Race Theory are their true friends, right? :rolleyes:
Even Bill Maher has stated numerous times getting rid of DEI was a good thing. And he’s about as liberal as it gets.

Try, just for one day, to step into the present and stop viewing the world from your myopic couch. In other words, smarten up.

Maybe you can explain how more and more blacks are now voting for Trump, as well as other minorities. See if you can do this without citing a liberal talking point/scare tactic from 1996. Or hell, even 2012 when Joe Biden told everyone that Mitt Romney was going to put blacks back in chains.
Yeah, Black people in this country are too stupid to understand that Republicans who trumpet Anti-DEI and Anti-Critical Race Theory are their true friends, right? :rolleyes:
do you also shower with young girls or is that just your favorite president?
Even Bill Maher has stated numerous times getting rid of DEI was a good thing.
LOL God forbid, you explain it yourself. If a "lib" like Bill Maher said it, it must be a good thing, right??!!!! 🤪

In other words, smarten up.
This gem from the board's biggest dumbsh*t. Think real hard for us and explain why Blacks should 'be smart' and welcome the GOP's protests against CRT and DEI. Come on, Einstein, give it a go!
LOL God forbid, you explain it yourself. If a "lib" like Bill Maher said it, it must be a good thing, right??!!!! 🤪

This gem from the board's biggest dumbsh*t. Think real hard for us and explain why Blacks should 'be smart' and welcome the GOP's protests against CRT and DEI. Come on, Einstein, give it a go!
You can’t possibly be this stupid. So, I’ll say it again: smarten up.

Maybe, just maybe, blacks and other minorities in this country are sick and tired of racist dumb shits like you, and our president, pandering and patronizing them with ridiculous shit like DEI. Again, maybe you can explain to me and the rest of the board why more blacks are going to vote for Trump this time around than they did the last time, when he improved on his numbers in that demographic from 2016? Go on, we are all waiting for your brilliant response.

But per usual, you’ll just do what you always do and play with your food and sound like you’re 100% retarded.
And this is how effing stupid Adolf Shooky is: I tell him to smarten up and he asks me why blacks should be smart. You can’t even make this up.

I swear to God, it’s like arguing with Hellen Keller with him.
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LOL God forbid, you explain it yourself. If a "lib" like Bill Maher said it, it must be a good thing, right??!!!! 🤪

This gem from the board's biggest dumbsh*t. Think real hard for us and explain why Blacks should 'be smart' and welcome the GOP's protests against CRT and DEI. Come on, Einstein, give it a go!
biggest Nazi on the board tries to lecture us on racism
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Maybe, just maybe, blacks and other minorities in this country are sick and tired of racist dumb shits like you, and our president, pandering and patronizing them with ridiculous shit like DEI.
LOL Why should I bother responding to you? It's crystal clear you have no fcuking clue was DEI even is!!!!

Yeah, if I'm a Black college student, I sure wouldn't want student support services designed to help me succeed. 🤪
Again, maybe you can explain to me and the rest of the board why more blacks are going to vote for Trump this time around than they did the last time,
LOL Yeah, the BLACK VOTE is going to make the difference for Trump this time around!!!! Whoohooo!!! 2020 - Blacks for Biden 93% 2016 - Blacks for Hillary 88% But Fox News told you Trump is going to bigly eat into the minority vote this time around. So HEY, you know what you're talking about, right? BTW, they also told you the Dominion Voting Systems screwed over Trump last time.

I swear stupid people shouldn't be allowed to vote.
But per usual, you’ll just do what you always do and play with your food and sound like you’re 100% retarded.
Yep, that insult should help mask what a clueless idiot you are.