3 international studies show a 100% cure with the China Corona Virus


Golden Knight
Nov 27, 2005
Mix of Chloroquine and azithromycin has a 100% effective rate in 6 days according to studies
Mix of Chloroquine and azithromycin has a 100% effective rate in 6 days according to studies

Everyone should be at least positive 3 different international studies showed 100% effectiveness in 6 days. I know fucti can't go crazy and keep expectations reasonable but this is Yuge.
Good grief, yeah let's do everything possible to paint Democrats as people hoping there ISN'T a cure for the corona virus. :rolleyes:
You've gone to about as great of a length to diminish this as is possible. If the op is correct and 3 countries have verified that this treatment is effective you should be happy, not dousing the news with negativity.
You've gone to about as great of a length to diminish this as is possible. If the op is correct and 3 countries have verified that this treatment is effective you should be happy, not dousing the news with negativity.
I’m simply repeating the cautions expressed by Dr Fucti. But apparently echoing his comments makes me a ‘miserable person.’ :rolleyes:
I’m simply repeating the cautions expressed by Dr Fucti. But apparently echoing his comments makes me a ‘miserable person.’ :rolleyes:
Miserable? No. Exceedingly negative? Yes. You've posted nothing in months that could remotely be considered a positive take on anything other than things that you hope lead to the end of the trump presidency.
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Miserable? No. Exceedingly negative? Yes. You've posted nothing in months that could remotely be considered a positive take on anything other than things that you hope lead to the end of the trump presidency.

In fairness the media hypes that some stupid bombshell is coming down on Trump on a daily basis. Ends up being fake news 99%. I do think the media created the very real TDS condition.

Since this study was 3 international communities with 100% effectiveness in those studies, that clearly could be a game changer. Not sure in what planet that isn't.
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In fairness the media hypes that some stupid bombshell is coming down on Trump on a daily basis. Ends up being fake news 99%. I do think the media created the very real TDS condition.

Since this study was 3 international communities with 100% effectiveness in those studies, that clearly could be a game changer. Not sure in what planet that isn't.
I'd love to agree, but any intelligent person can see through media spin and make an objective determination on any given issue. Sure, there are a large number of people who are completely dependent on someone else telling them what to think but that's not the case here. That is what is most concerning to me. People who are otherwise intelligent fall prey to TDS, or whatever you'd like to call it.
I don’t give a damn if Bernie Sanders and Putin sit down and come out with a cure/vaccine/something that helps - just get it done.

Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t get excited about a 6 day trial or whatever it is but right now I’ll take any positive news.
Dr. Fauci dumbass.

I see. You’re so on top of things are so credible to criticize, that you somehow butchered the name of the top infectious disease expert that Trump has on his staff.

Got it. At least we know you’re full of shit and don’t actually watch any of these briefings, and just spout what your shitty left wing rag sites tell you to spout.
I don’t give a damn if Bernie Sanders and Putin sit down and come out with a cure/vaccine/something that helps - just get it done.

Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t get excited about a 6 day trial or whatever it is but right now I’ll take any positive news.

The tests are showing 100% effective in 6 days. Guessing that means mild cases much less, but hopefully we can get details soon. Be nice if you do catch it that a vaccine can limit duration and cure time.
I see. You’re so on top of things are so credible to criticize, that you somehow butchered the name of the top infectious disease expert that Trump has on his staff.
Oh My!!! I must have really bruised the ol' ego when I reacted to you actually HYPING Trump's 'record low unemployment numbers' at the precise moment the nation's unemployment rate was skyrocketing before our eyes.

Yes, I misspelled Dr. Fauci's name. OH, THE HORROR!!!! Mistake duly noted.

But score one for you, you really got me back good by typo!!!
Dr. Fucti at the end of today's presser essentially said, "hold your horses" on labeling this -- or anything else you're hearing about as 'a cure.'

But go ahead and knock yourself out with this 'breaking news.'
Dr. Trump has a good feeling about it and says go ahead.
Oh My!!! I must have really bruised the ol' ego when I reacted to you actually HYPING Trump's 'record low unemployment numbers' at the precise moment the nation's unemployment rate was skyrocketing before our eyes.

Yes, I misspelled Dr. Fauci's name. OH, THE HORROR!!!! Mistake duly noted.

But score one for you, you really got me back good by typo!!!

It’s not a typo, you butchered it twice in this thread alone. Fucti is not a slightly misspelling, it’s a totally different name.

You have no idea what you’re talking about and yet choose to opine anyways. You always do.
It’s not a typo, you butchered it twice in this thread alone. Fucti is not a slightly misspelling, it’s a totally different name.

You have no idea what you’re talking about and yet choose to opine anyways. You always do.

Accuracy isn't needed when you're following the MSNBC talking points. At one point he was complaining about Trump not being a calming voice with a FDR moment. Now complaining that Trump is giving people hope that shouldn't be allowed.

I get it. Everything is political to some.
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Accuracy isn't needed when you're following the MSNBC talking points. At one point he was complaining about Trump not being a calming voice with a FDR moment. Now complaining that Trump is giving people hope that shouldn't be allowed.

I get it. Everything is political to some.

You encapsulated it perfectly. He needs to be hopeful and calming but when he gives hope and it helps people calm down it is reckless. It's an amazing double standard that the TDS crowd doesnt even recognize.
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Dr. Fucti is probably at the bottom of the Potomac River about now
Dr. Fucti is probably at the bottom of the Potomac River about now
My laugh-out-loud moment this morning was when a WH reporter was asked where was Dr. Fauci at yesterday's presser?

The reporter responded that Dr. Fuchi was there, however, he was out of camera view. He said when he asked WH staffers why that was the case, the response he got was...and I kid you not...

Given the virus, the WH was concerned about having too many people so close together on the stage. :)
My laugh-out-loud moment this morning was when a WH reporter was asked where was Dr. Fauci at yesterday's presser?

The reporter responded that Dr. Fuchi was there, however, he was out of camera view. He said when he asked WH staffers why that was the case, the response he got was...and I kid you not...

Given the virus, the WH was concerned about having too many people so close together on the stage. :)
I seriously hope this is either a joke or misreporting

"On Monday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the state would doctors will begin trialing hydroxychloroquine this week after the number of coronavirus cases in New York City rose to 12,000."

I cant believe he sat on this for so long. Had he acted last week when the scientist were telling him to, millions of people could have been saved.
"On Monday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the state would doctors will begin trialing hydroxychloroquine this week after the number of coronavirus cases in New York City rose to 12,000."

I cant believe he sat on this for so long. Had he acted last week when the scientist were telling him to, millions of people could have been saved.

Typical slacker Democrat. ;)
Here’s an entire piece of Fauci quotes asking dipshits like you to STFU
You've gotta give him credit. He's trying hard to keep his job.

Damn the biased media for continually asking him if he agrees with Trump's bullsh*t. :)
The idiot governor from Michigan threatening legal action for doctors that prescribe the drug mix that has been a game changer. Now he changes his mind and wants the federal government to hurry up and get a bunch for his state. How many people had to die over his TDS? Government at it's finest.
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The idiot governor from Michigan threatening legal action for doctors that prescribe the drug mix that has been a game changer. Now he changes his mind and wants the federal government to hurry up and get a bunch for his state. How many people had to die over his TDS? Government at it's finest.
Like I said before. Some people would rather Americans die than than agree with Trump.
She had wiggle room before. Now she simply has no choice
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