smh (like everyone else I'm shaking my head)
Here are three guaranteed steps to failure for this season:
1. Refuse to take field goal opportunities while your offense is struggling
(result - 2 losses in 1 point games)
2. Misuse the experience you have on the team and put in new blood on the field
(result - athletes like Stanback, Dickey and Brown watch team suffer and consider
leaving your program)
3. Lack any complete game planning for attacking an opposing defense
(result - no play calling outside of the tackles results in the opponent stacking the box
and outside linebackers blitzing because the're no plays called outside of the tackles)
Here are three guaranteed steps to failure for this season:
1. Refuse to take field goal opportunities while your offense is struggling
(result - 2 losses in 1 point games)
2. Misuse the experience you have on the team and put in new blood on the field
(result - athletes like Stanback, Dickey and Brown watch team suffer and consider
leaving your program)
3. Lack any complete game planning for attacking an opposing defense
(result - no play calling outside of the tackles results in the opponent stacking the box
and outside linebackers blitzing because the're no plays called outside of the tackles)