The extreme right may. But not everyone who is right of center does. I certainly don't feel that way or live that way. The white trash in my area are the folks who create their own problems and leach off the government and taxpayers like me
by Kevin Ryan
Today is the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King. It wasn’t the first time someone tried to kill him. A plot years earlier was carried out by one of the civil rights leader’s most insidious foes...
...the FBI.
In 1964, Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The FBI was so eager to stop this from happening that they concocted a plan to blackmail King into committing suicide before he could receive the award. They wiretapped his homes and hotel rooms, recording evidence of King's extramarital liaisons. A deputy for J Edgar Hoover then wrote a vicious letter to King with the tapes enclosed, and sent it to him anonymously.
“You will find on the record for all time your filthy, dirty, evil companions, male and females giving expression with you to your hidious [sic] abnormalities. It is all there on the record, your sexual orgies. Listen to yourself you filthy, abnormal animal. You are on the record. You have been on the record – all your adulterous acts, your sexual orgies extending far into the past. This one is but a tiny sample... you are on the record. King you are done.”
The letter concludes by urging King to take his own life within 34 days – a reference to a date on which he was due to collect the Nobel Peace Prize in Sweden.
And this is not some unsubstantiated conspiracy theory. In 1976, a post-Watergate Senate hearing into government use of "dirty tricks" verified the letter was an FBI attempt to get King to kill himself.
But it is a true statement. There were people, very open minded moderates, who were still blaming African-Americans for violence. Why? Because the continuing default that African-Americans were responsible for the violence, including the continual, media narrative.
It wasn't until Dr. King brought in Ghandi's passive resistance, and that was caught on TV by largely ABC (who really made a name for themselves in the early '60s, just like CNN would in the early '90s), that finally changed many moderate views. Passive resistance, caught on TV, can really change attitudes.
Because it also works in reverse too.
The Anti-Fascists took advantage of the default assumption that Conservatives are always the aggressors and always armed, in the mind of moderates. So they found themselves under major scrutiny when Conservative groups started employing the same, passive resistance tactics, including baiting them into tactically negative situations, much like Dr. King et al. did as well.
Once caught on-camera, attacking people clearly not interested in any violence, the backlash started, and brought them down after years of free reign.
Of course, the actual Fascists still arm themselves, so we still get clashes between both Anti- and Pro-, like in Virginia. So the Progressive media attempts to attribute those to all Trump supporters, which is why many Conservatives -- not just Progressives -- were completely upset with Trump not slamming them.
Most of the Conservative groups adopted passive resistance after 2016
from the San Francisco (a public campaign event) and Minnesota (a private event), where gangs and other entities attacked Republican supporters, and both bloggers and even the peaceful Democratic protestors, provided themselves as shields.
While the Minnesota event was private and not covered by the US media, the entire Progressive media immediately ran off and started blaming Trump supporters for the violence in San Francisco. It wasn't until the DNC leadership realized, largely through their own supporters who were helping to shield the Republicans, that a huge backlash could result if it came out that the US media failed to report the gangs of undocumented residents were largely responsible for the violence -- and it would get out with all the cameras on the ground, especially in this day'n age of cell phone cameras -- they immediately sent the word down through the US media to challenge the default assumption.
The private lawsuit against the city still hasn't been dismissed. Most of the terms have, but not the negligence part against the city. As many people claim, the city purposely shelters organized crime, because it's at the mercy of organized crime. So far, the judges have sided with the plantiffs that the police were ordered to do things by the leadership of the city, knowing what could possibly occur, and dismissing it.
As always ... passive resistance is a tactic to get the moderate viewpoint, the default viewpoint, to change. Moderates are objective, and they will.