A.A Sponsor Turns In Evans Woman For Underage Party


Sep 5, 2007
Winter Park
Top this, HS teachers crushing your students!


Her kids were with their father one night when her 16-year-old daughter texted her and asked if her and some friends could come over "to party." Lenhardt replied "come on, let`s party." Lenhardt allowed her teen daughter and her friends to smoke marijuana and drink her alcohol in her home. The group of minors and her played naked Twister in the living room.

Lenhardt had sex with an 18 year old in the bathroom while the others continued to play Twister. Lenhardt told her sponsor she was still "horny" afterward so she brought her sex toys out in the living room and began to use them on herself in front of the group.

The group and Lenhardt then got in her hot tub naked where the party continued. Lenhardt said she was asleep in her bed and woke up around 3:30 a.m. when she felt someone having sex with her. She thought it was the 18-year-old but realized it was her daughter's 16-year-old
boyfriend. The daughter later told her mother that she felt guilty because the boyfriend's 10-inch penis was too large for her and he needed to have sex instead with the mother.

Lenhardt also told her sponsor that she had shown her daughter pornographic photos, including photos of her and her current boyfriend having sex.

Originally posted by brahmanknight:

she brought her sex toys out in the living room and began to use them on herself in front of the group.
Why is this strange? Doesn't everyone's mom do this?

This country is so uptight.
Originally posted by brahmanknight:

Lenhardt said she was asleep in her bed and woke up around 3:30 a.m. when she felt someone having sex with her. She thought it was the 18-year-old but realized it was her daughter's 16-year-old

boyfriend. The daughter later told her mother that she felt guilty because the boyfriend's 10-inch penis was too large for her and he needed to have sex instead with the mother.
Jesus. The Sherrif's report is even worse:

"Mrs. Lehnardt told [the sponsor] she and her daughter had spoken and that her daughter 'felt guilty because the 16-year-old was 10 inches long and huge, and if she had just been able to take it, he wouldn't have needed to rape her mother.'"
In her defense, she lives in po dunk nowhere South Carolina. What else was she supposed to do on a Friday night? And that is one heck of a daughter she raised there too.
So much for the "anonymous" part of AA. And there's no sex crime here, apparently.

"Sheriff's Capt. Steve Morris said this week's arrest of Lenhardt is based partially on the account given to them by the AA sponsor. He said no sexual crime charges were being filed because 16 is the legal age of consent."
Originally posted by CommuterBob:
So much for the "anonymous" part of AA. And there's no sex crime here, apparently.

"Sheriff's Capt. Steve Morris said this week's arrest of Lenhardt is based partially on the account given to them by the AA sponsor. He said no sexual crime charges were being filed because 16 is the legal age of consent."
I didn't get that either. I mean, I get that she isn't being charged, but what about the kid that mounted a sleeping woman?

And yes, I had to look up where that paper was from to see if it was somewhere in Florida
Re: For once, this wasn't in Florida ...

Stop fapping in corrupt Sherrifs' homes and pay attention.
Re: For once, this wasn't in Florida ...

Holy Chit!!! How did I miss this. And no, I never fap'd in Glanz's houses. I was all fukin.