SMU 15-3 26-6
Seniors lost
- Ryan Manuel 28.7min, 6.7pts, 2.2ast, 3.4rebs (player efficiency 12.2)
Yanick Moreira 24.4min, 11.3pts 1.0ast, 6.4rebs (player efficiency 24.5)
Kevin Dunleavy 7 gms- walk-on
Cannen Cunningham 16.2mins, 6.3pts, 3.5rebs, 0.6blk (player efficiency 20.0)
Justin Martin 10 gms, 12.2mins (turn pro) (player efficiency 19.3)
Jean-Micheal Mudiay 6 gms, left team
Jordan Tolbert senior Transfer (10pts, 5.8rebs, 26 mins at TTU as a fresh, soph, and junior)
Shake Milton 6'4 PG, HS commit 4-star
Sedric Barefield 6'2 PG, HS Commit 3-star
Jarrey Foster 6'4 SF, HS commit, 3-star
plus 2 more available spots (I think)
3 Key Returners (unless turn pro)
Nic Moore 34mins, 14.5pts, 5.3ast, (player efficiency 20.4)
Markus Kennedy 24mins, 11.3pts, 6.0 rebs (player efficiency 28.8)
Sterling Brown 23mins, 5,3pts, 4.2rebs, 2.0ast (player efficiency 16.5)
returning 4/5 top scorers
returning 4/5 top rebounders
returning 6/7 top asst
losing 2/4 top minutes (2,4)
losing 4/8 scorers (3,6,7,8)
losing 3/5 top efficiency (2,4,5)
SMU loses a few role players but still has a great core of players. As long as they don't lose anyone early to the draft (Moore or Kennedy), they should be contending for another conference title. They will have many seniors and juniors on their team next year. It will also be interesting to see how they fill in their remaining recruits though. I think they will stay about EVEN if you grade out their team talent but if the AAC is tougher next year, expect maybe a few more conference losses (4 or 5).