AAC Mens Basketball Tourney


Todd's Tiki Bar
Dec 21, 2016
SMU beating UCONN pretty handily with 3:30 to go. I can't see UCONN keeping Ollie. Allegations and don't even win to make up for it.We play in 4th game tonight at approximately 9:30. I saw a UCF Fan in the stands at the noon start.
Of course SMU starts to stall instead of playing like they had been. Missing shots and giving UCONN easy buckets. Leat at 7 with 51 seconds left.
Wichita State fans seeing their New Conference Tourney is in Orlando:
Bulls get sent to the slaughterhouse and turned into hamburger meat by Memphis - and thank God too. It is ALWAYS a good day when USF loses. I hate those bastards - and everything they stand for - with every fiber of my being.
Bulls get sent to the slaughterhouse and turned into hamburger meat by Memphis - and thank God too. It is ALWAYS a good day when USF loses. I hate those bastards - and everything they stand for - with every fiber of my being.
Aresco is sitting in front of me, should I kick his seat
Yes you should. He’s been asleep for months. Before you wake him up, whisper in his ear that the 2017 UCF football team were national champions. He may wake up screaming like it was a Knightmare
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If we win, who do we play? I know it’s at 7:00 Friday and there are some good seats available at a good price.
Free throws.....we suck. 19 of 35 tonight. As a team I think we are #342 out of 352 schools. Never gonna succeed giving up all those free points.
Amazing that between Taylor, Davis, Griffin, Allen, and Brown that none of them can shoot 70%. 2 of them are sub 60%. It's crazy. There is a shooter on the USF women's team that is 110 for 114. Literally missed 4 FTs all season and seems like our players routinely miss 4 in a row.
Amazing that between Taylor, Davis, Griffin, Allen, and Brown that none of them can shoot 70%. 2 of them are sub 60%. It's crazy. There is a shooter on the USF women's team that is 110 for 114. Literally missed 4 FTs all season and seems like our players routinely miss 4 in a row.
Taylor is the biggest surprise for me. I wonder if his nagging injuries have affected his FT stroke.
Terrell allen shot 98-117 (.838) from the line his freshman year. Tough to explain what's going on here
The best part here is the last few seconds where the Memphis mascot is so overwhelmed with indifference he doesn't even know or care about what just happened (just like a real cat, I suppose, lol...)

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Georgie Mumin was playing around and acting like he was dunking on Tacko. Leaned on his bad shoulder. Not a good move Mumin.