Abortions in Mexico and Central America


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 4, 2004
Abortion advocates say that it is actually compassionate to abort babies because the mothers are bringing them into a crappy world and will only face suffering and despair. I guess in the case of Mexico and Central America, they have a point. These kids that are being sent across the border into the US are trying to escape terrible, terrible lives that otherwise could have been avoided had we done the compassionate thing and just terminated them prior to birth. Perhaps part of our immigration approach should include mandatory abortions in those countries and forced sterilization for those that was unfortunate enough to be born.
Abortion advocates say that it is actually compassionate to abort babies because the mothers are bringing them into a crappy world and will only face suffering and despair. I guess in the case of Mexico and Central America, they have a point. These kids that are being sent across the border into the US are trying to escape terrible, terrible lives that otherwise could have been avoided had we done the compassionate thing and just terminated them prior to birth. Perhaps part of our immigration approach should include mandatory abortions in those countries and forced sterilization for those that was unfortunate enough to be born.
We should take the same approach and solve the welfare problem in this country.
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Personally, I prefer the mandatory sterilization approach. There's way too much gray area when it comes to abortion on a moral and ethical level. I don't have any studies on this, but I think that a cost/benefit analysis would show that eliminating pregnancy before it can happen would be much less intrusive, be a net benefit when looking at it from a climate change perspective, and significantly decrease the amount of people that live in poverty.
Maybe. Or maybe he agrees with you and I that strategic abortions are actually a good thing for society.
Once everyone agrees on strategic abortions, we can move on to strategic sterilizations and eugenics, and then strategic euthanasia. Then we’ll have utopia.
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Wearing masks and getting a COVID vaccine are an infringement on your civil rights but mandatory sterilizations are a-okay?
If the intent is to make sure people don't live in poverty among a world that doesn't want them, sure.
Once everyone agrees on strategic abortions, we can move on to strategic sterilizations and eugenics, and then strategic euthanasia. Then we’ll have utopia.
We will never have utopia, but we will have a world that isn't populated with people that are unwanted and live a life not worth living. What we do now is unfair and the opposite of compassion. Plus, it's killing the environment, the climate, and the economy.
You can't seriously say that overpopulation isn't a problem that needs to be addressed.
It absolutely is but aside from nuking India and Gina, there ain’t much that can be done.
Seems to me like it could be much less painless. Just keep people from being able to procreate for a while until our population is sustainable. I don't want to kill anyone, but I suppose if it's what it takes to save the planet maybe that's a discussion worth having.
Seems to me like it could be much less painless. Just keep people from being able to procreate for a while until our population is sustainable. I don't want to kill anyone, but I suppose if it's what it takes to save the planet maybe that's a discussion worth having.
Mother Nature will satisy some of this soon enough. We are due for a famine of some type one of these days. So, we'll all either get a lot thinner or ripe fertilizer for dandelions...
Mother Nature will satisy some of this soon enough. We are due for a famine of some type one of these days. So, we'll all either get a lot thinner or ripe fertilizer for dandelions...
I like that last line. I'm gonna steal it.
Mother Nature will satisy some of this soon enough. We are due for a famine of some type one of these days. So, we'll all either get a lot thinner or ripe fertilizer for dandelions...
Aside from Monsanto monopolizing farm seedlings, we have enough GMO stock that a famine from disease or drought is pretty unlikely.