AG Loretta Lynch: Orlando gunman's motive may never be known
So is the attorney general like the government's version of The Onion?
So is the attorney general like the government's version of The Onion?
Go away.Not Onion, I only read the garlic, at least it fends of vampires.
Ok, grandpa.Not Onion, I only read the garlic, at least it fends of vampires.
No, just the much, much bigger Terrorist Watch List ... the one that has 10x as many people on it than when W. left office, and doesn't have any "due process" to find out why you're on it, unlike the No Fly list and its newer hearings and Readdress Number.Not to change the topic but isn't the attorney general also responsible for the no fly list?
Indeed.It's obviously because he's xenophobic homophobic NRA card carrying Republican. That's why he attacked a gay club on Latin night.
Er, um, not sure that's a move in a more positive direction. Frankly, I think Hillary is going to win. In any case, voting Gary Johnson. I refuse to do anything but vote my conscience since Dole-Kemp in '96. I should have voted Perot in '96, like I did '92.The final stamp to the ultimate failure of the monkee in chief and his clueless monkee in general. Trump needs to be elected soon.
You had me ... until that last part. Well trolled.This is an election where voting libertarian does not make any sense at all. I have voted 3rd party every presidential election due to the terrible candidates the parties usually run. This time I shall vote for Donald Trump, I like a lot of what I see in the guy he has proven himself far more capable than I thought and exceeded my expectations at almost every turn.
Gary Johnson has shown me very little. He comes off as a loon and is way too focused on weed. His love of illegals and hatred of borders makes him useless for the tasks at hand. The USA was founded by Whites and Trump's immigration and trade policies are far closer to what I want than any libertarian could offer. The whole open borders thing with libertarians is a sad joke, no nation survives without some sort of borders and self interest.