An On Campus Stadium for USF?

Sir Wins A Lot

Two-Star Recruit
Nov 26, 2014
Not sure if anyone else has seen this yet, and granted, it is from a pro-USF source (, however, I found it extremely interesting, especially as someone who, unfortunately, lives within the Tampa Bay area (luckily in across the bay in Pinellas County). But for any UCF fans who live in the Tampa Bay area and are familiar with MOSI/USF campus, this is certainly an interesting article. I find it somewhat ironic that a school who has a difficult time putting fans in the stands in a stadium they rent out would be looking to build an on campus stadium. Note, for those of you not familiar with the USF area, this stadium would not technically be considered on campus, as the area of land MOSI currently occupies is technically across the street from the campus....


USF does this every offseason. There is at least a couple On Campus Stadium articles with 1 quote from the coach or ad that gets their fans excited to forget the crap product on the field
I think they know they need an OCS. I am sure that it is in the works. I have read a good deal about this situation which I think has a bit more traction than previous plans. What I still find interesting is the thought process among USF fans that somehow they need to spend $190 million to make a stadium. That $100 Million stadium would not suit them and their needs. Seems like a better idea would be to build a more moderate stadium and add on later. Maybe they spent so much time bashing BHNS that they cannot find it in their hearts to understand how beneficial even a BHNS would be on campus.
I think their chances of building an OCS are perhaps 50/50. I don't see the ground breaking before 2017 and, realistically, I don't see them having an OCS at that location (or University Mall for the Tampa Bay area locals) any time soon. Personally, I think it's clickbait for the jackoff's at voodoofive but that;s just my opinion.
They're taking a 45% pay cut from their Big East days while at the same time paying off contracts for all the coaches and ADs that Judy fired to save her own skin. If you count actual attendance they're basically at FIU's level. I'm surprised they can still afford the rent at RayJay
They're taking a 45% pay cut from their Big East days while at the same time paying off contracts for all the coaches and ADs that Judy fired to save her own skin. If you count actual attendance they're basically at FIU's level. I'm surprised they can still afford the rent at RayJay
Maybe they can't which is why they are now considering an OCS, to rebuild support of their program.
If you can't afford to rent, you can't afford to buy

But remember.....all the Bull tards LOVE playing in a pro stadium, no way can they put that fan base into a tiny 45k stadium, would be like trying to fit Michigan fans into a Mc Ds.
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USF averaged about 31k fans last year. So a 45k seat stadium is about right.


In their dreams...........

USF has been lying about attendance figures for 15 they have the most bloated "announced" attendance figures nationwide for a long, long time.

USF wouldn't have had one game with over 22,000 actual fans last year if not for the 13,000 plus UCF Fans showed up on Black Friday.

USF 2014 Attendance: Actual and Announced

Western Carolina: 21,946 (announced 31,651)
Maryland: 19,926 (28,915)
NC State: 17,198 (27,269)
UCONN: 11,599 (28,273)
ECU: 21,750 for Homecoming (31,567)
Houston: 15,435 (29,782)
UCF: 27,368 (36,963)

Since 2007 (gee, isn't that the same year UCF opened up their on-campus stadium?), USF has forged averaged attendance figures, on average, 10,000-14,000 per game! (Which is a lot when you are only drawing 15,000-20,000 per game)

This USF site shows the history of USF's fake announced attendance figures, which only gets worse each and every year:

USF best shot is to steal David Beckham's possible MLS franchise from Miami and build a combo 18,000-22,000 seat stadium, perfect for MLS and perfect (with room to spare) for USF Football.
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