Another 3000 babies were killed today in the US

I wish my Conservative friends would just give this up.

I mean, every time I see Progressives 'slit their throats,' the Conservatives would 'have an avenue' if they'd just give up the abortion angle. Recognize 'civil rights' and move on.

Another issue where Boob ignores established science and chooses to believe whatever the hell he wants.
Huh? Science actually works against the Progressive argument here. Don't go there!

Because if you're going to start quoting 'science' on an issue that is about 'civil liberties,' I'm going to have to side with the Conservatives, not Progressives.

Both true Liberals and Libertarians know this is about civil liberties, the state not being able to tell a woman what to do with her body. If you start making it about science, suddenly the Conservatives and religious right argument on 'baby's rights' gets better, given the number of days before the independent heart beat, brainwaves, etc...

This is where Progressives 'slit their own throats' most.
This whole thread is full of hyperbole from both sides. I'm so tired of it. That said, although I take issue with some of @fried-chicken's statements, even in this post, he does nail it here at the end ...

... These cells cannot sustain life on their own. At worst using your argument you make abortion illegal and just have mothers deliver a 9 week old fetus and say, "you're on your own fellow human being."
The woman doesn't need to be 'in danger.' She only needs to want to 'opt out' at any time. Sorry to my Conservative friends, but that's how 'civil liberties' work.

Legalizing abortion doesn't lead to the breakdown of society like allowing murder. The state is not here to enforce 'morality' or 'values' or 'correctness', only 'order'. Both the left and right need to stop with that sh--.

Also can't tell if that child is going to be the next einstein or just a drain on society, so kill it. Better safe than sorry.
But that's the thing. Women fall into two (2) categories ...
  1. They will go through an emotional toll on their decision to abort, recognizing their baby could be the next Einstein! No amount of 'government interference' will change that. Or ...
  2. They will abort the baby, whether it's legal or not. No amount of 'government interference' will change that either.
I've only met one (1) woman in my life that was #2. Everyone else is in the #1 category. Now I can count thousands of public servants in the US government that are far more like #2 when it comes to my fellow Americans. Hence why I trust women a lot more than the government!

Now if the Progressives would stop making the 'science' argument where it is not a good one, and stick to 'civil liberties,' then maybe this would stay. But because Progressives think they 'know better' and Conservatives are 'without science,' they stick their foot in their mouth. Shut up already! Do not undermine freedom from a faux science argument! The argument is not science!

While African-Americans make up 13% of the population, African-American women have abortion rates 4 times that of White Women.
All the more reason to give them the option to tie their tubes in the hospital after pregnancy, as well contraception options.

I'm 100% for giving women options, especially when the cost would be minimal (e.g., tying tubes after pregnancy). I'm tired of us withholding options from women.
I’m dead in the middle on this issue but I have to wonder, if pro-choice were such a strong argument, why is it framed as “women’s health” whenever they’re trying to get money from Congress? You’d think that the case could stand on its own merits without obfuscation.

Because the liberals and neo feminists can con enough idiots into believing that to rally to their cause. It’s much more effective than coming out and staying up front what they support- that being the slaughter of an unborn child

You’ve heard such disgusting claims right here in this thread. The child is nothing more than a growth or a tumor. The fact that it’s a human child has no bearing on these people whatsoever

Planned Parenthood would have you believe that having an abortion is just the same as having a mammogram, getting a cyst removed, or drawing blood for testing.
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I wish my Conservative friends would just give this up.

I mean, every time I see Progressives 'slit their throats,' the Conservatives would 'have an avenue' if they'd just give up the abortion angle. Recognize 'civil rights' and move on.

Huh? Science actually works against the Progressive argument here. Don't go there!

Because if you're going to start quoting 'science' on an issue that is about 'civil liberties,' I'm going to have to side with the Conservatives, not Progressives.

Both true Liberals and Libertarians know this is about civil liberties, the state not being able to tell a woman what to do with her body. If you start making it about science, suddenly the Conservatives and religious right argument on 'baby's rights' gets better, given the number of days before the independent heart beat, brainwaves, etc...

This is where Progressives 'slit their own throats' most.
Yes, science. Doctors and scientists throughout the world have studied this ad nauseam and have come to a general medical consensus of when it is morally feasible to end a pregnancy.
Just because 85 keeps telling us that doctors are sucking babies out of vaginas doesn't make it true. Again, only 9% of all abortions happen after 14 weeks. Only 1% happen after 19 weeks, which is the ultrasound picture he posted.
Yes, science. Doctors and scientists throughout the world have studied this ad nauseam and have come to a general medical consensus of when it is morally feasible to end a pregnancy.
Ummm ... I'm seeing a lot of differences in that 'general consensus.'

Just because 85 keeps telling us that doctors are sucking babies out of vaginas doesn't make it true.
I'm not entertaining his arguments, I'm question why you are using 'science' when 'civil liberties' is the argument.

This is the main problem I have with Progressives when I agree with their stance, but differ with their argument. They use an argument that can undo the civil liberty. Please don't do that.

Again, only 9% of all abortions happen after 14 weeks.
Only 1% happen after 19 weeks, which is the ultrasound picture he posted.
Yep, according the CDC (just slightly modify 19 to be 21). [2014]

This is why I continually argue trust women, not the government.
Women know better and already show such in the statistics.

Again, I'm tired of the right trying to limit civil liberties by 'rolling back' the weeks when they should not use the government's guns to enforce a non-existent problem. Just like the left always trying to redefine 'assault weapon' to the point it's not just semi-automatic weapons, but virtually all weapons invented in the last 2 centuries, and legal gun ownership has never been the problem with the overwhelming majority of crime.

  • 91.5% were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation
  • 7.2% were performed at 14–20 weeks’ gestation
  • 1.3% were performed at ≥21 weeks’ gestation
Just an FYI. 9000 babies have been slaughtered since I started this thread. That is more than three times as many people as Pearl Harbor and 9/11 and we went to war after those. Liberals have killed more babies in the last three days than all military deaths since 9/11.