Another liberal run gov't goes and defaults...


Golden Knight
Nov 27, 2005
So a few off the top of my head...

Puerto Rico (next?)

You can only be a leech and live off of other people's money for so long. Obama/Clinton hopefully wake up one day that socialism never works in the long run. Leeches are running wild these days.
I'm Puerto Rican and I'm rooting for every single creditor to tell the PR government "fukc you, we ain't bailing your stupid ass out" and they shut down the island for good. The people usually get the government they deserve. Puerto Rico is a perfect example of this. Fukc that island and everybody in it, starting with my family who has been fighting me on this subject for 15 years.
Socialism works for the few elitist in gov't while it lasts. Obama and gov't built everything you know? That is how messed up liberal thinking can be.
That's what I meant, it will work for them personally. Who else do they care about?
I'm Puerto Rican and I'm rooting for every single creditor to tell the PR government "fukc you, we ain't bailing your stupid ass out" and they shut down the island for good. The people usually get the government they deserve. Puerto Rico is a perfect example of this. Fukc that island and everybody in it, starting with my family who has been fighting me on this subject for 15 years.
as long as they dont move to the mainland...