AOC plays the 'Stalking Men' card, instead of showing awareness...


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Oct 21, 2001
I'll avoid the common left-right rhetoric that is defending-prosecuting this, to say this article is basically how I feel...
In an age where some politicians are forced out of restaurants, and their extended families hounded by people because of what their spouse/parent (the politician) said, claiming 'stalking' because you're an elected official caught in a politically compromising situation conflicting with terms in a speech you made - - no matter how minor - - is valid in my book (NOT) . :)

I.e., when one literally using the phrasing of "a hamburger for lunch or dinner" in a shade of shaming by one, and one is a politician, one's gotta learn to 'roll with it.' Because one has basically been 'caught' in the same case, and people are going to capture that for a Meme, at the very least. I mean, "Go figure, a politician and her staff doing what she just asked Americans to consider not doing."

Make a joke if necessary, like, "Well I guess it's guilt by association, but that means a lot of us are too." Etc... Otherwise you just come off as another politician who says, _"Do as I say, not what I do."

Welcome to elected office, same as before with fact checkers. :)

But you go play the cards you want AOC, and see how others react. If going off and accusing people of 'stalking' is your thing, well... a lot of a Republicans deal with that too... and far worse. And to this Gen-X'er, you've just made yourself look like a self-entitled Millennial that is more than just hypocritical, but ready to play any card - - like 'stalking men' - - instead of show a bit of awareness and humility.

So... This Libertarian certainly has his popcorn out. :)
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"I'll avoid the common left-right rhetoric"

Actually your article is pretty much full of rhetoric and the source is insanely biased in its outrage topics.

No one believes libertarians exist anymore and you are certainly not one.
Here's some homework for you @UCFBS go on the American thinker Twitter feed and scroll until you find an article that could be seen as negative against republicans.

The libertarians I know used to be mad at both sides for stuff they were principled against.

I scrolled through a few days worth of tweets and the only article I saw about republicans was one that Trump cut the summit short and sent Kim Jong Un back to NK empty handed.

The fact that you still think you are reading libertarian sources and you don't realize you're just caught up in the same media machine you rail against only is a testament to your lack of awareness.