April is whiteness month

"Among the questions that will be asked:

  • What is whiteness and how is it socially constructed?
  • In what ways does whiteness emerge from a legacy of imperialism, conquest, colonialism and the American enterprise?
  • Who benefits from the consequences of whiteness? Who loses from whiteness? How?
  • What are alternatives to the culture of white supremacy?
  • What are approaches and strategies to dismantling whiteness?"
Dafuq? The college is 68 percent white. They pay to hear how bad the are.

Who benefits for the consequences of whiteness? Everyone employed by this sh!tty college.
"The month of April will be dedicated to the project, which "seeks to inspire innovative and practical solutions to community issues and social problems that stem from racism""

...because only white people are racist.*


Yes you are. I was called a racist for purchasing a vanilla coke and white chocolate cookies and cream Hershey bar.

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