you have to remember the Millennial Generation is the one that stayed home living in mommies basement, getting free health insurance until they were 27. I started working at age 15, Yes I only have 2 years of college, but I didn't borrow a penny, and my Mommy didn't pay anything either. I had My own car at age 17 paid for by me, not mommy. I lived on my own at 19, not in mommy n daddy's house.
I got out of high school in 1974, A few years later came the Carter years, The greatest generation were running the show not the baby boomers. We had inflation over 12%, interest rates 15% plus, and double digit unemployment. Along with the savings n loan collapse. Instead of the govt paying off the banks, they bought up the repossessed houses. The auto industry was in free fall. Chrysler was saved by the feds just like the 2008 collapse. We also had gas lines where you couldn't buy more than 5 to 8 gallons of gas. ( Most cars got 8 to 15 miles per gallon then) I didn't whine and cry, I worked 2 part time jobs as a dishwasher and a cook. I also started my own small commercial fishing business. When I bought my first house in 1981, I had to pay 10.9% interest.
We did what we had to do, now they cry to gov't and others to take care of them.