Originally posted by Game_Day_Sports:
Originally posted by cnsaguy:
Originally posted by fabknight:
Originally posted by Game_Day_Sports:
Originally posted by USFSucks:
Originally posted by ChrisKnight06:
What an amazing thread this is.
Posted from
Rivals Mobile
It's sad and hilarious at the same time.
Mostly sad. On one hand, I want to say it is closeted racism or it might be the "ewww icky poor people syndrome".
I don't think it's racism although it may be for a very small % of those people (I'd like to think people have really moved past that racism bullshit); it's simpler than that.
It's bigotry, stereotypes, and misguided preconceptions.
And that works both ways. If I choose to avoid a situation because I don't know how someone will react to my presence, it doesn't make me a racist or looking down my nose at people less fortunate than me. It makes me proactive to avoid a
potentially bad situation.
I call bs on GDS saying he'd walk that walk. 1.1 miles might as well be a marathon with that physique.
I'm fat not dead. 1.1 miles is like the walk from Goofy parking lot to the front gate at Disney.
Hell, I did a 5k about 2 weeks ago. It seemed like it took a day and a half. I mean, I am pretty sure a toddler lapped me twice. I caught a turtle talking sh!t. I mean, I am pretty sure I finished. They had taken down the finish line sign a few hours before I got there.
All I am saying is that I am not fast. I have more torque than speed. I am kind of like 4 wheel drive on Prius.
See if you are going to do fat jokes, at least be creative with them.