Better Call Saul (Potential Spoilers, S01E02 tonight)

Re: Better Call Saul.

Didnt watch it. Decided to play some BF4 afterwards and went 9-5, not my best.
Re: Better Call Saul.

Well, I think I enjoyed it. Effer made me watch it after the Grammy's were over and I was dead tired. Lots of BB references and characters... It's going to be interesting to see how all of this plays out! I wonder if this show is going to dip further into the post-breaking bad Saul Goodman like they intro'd the show with...
Re: Better Call Saul.

DVR'd it. Looking forward to seeing Mike again. He was my second favorite BB character to Gus.

Second episode is tonight, too.
Yeah, MIke working the parking booth was kinda funneh.

The intro showing Saul managing a Cinnabun in Omaha was well done but depressing.
I read a couple blogs that analyze the show and they pointed out that when Saul realized that he was going to have to change his identity that he said, "best case scenario, I'll be managing a Cinnabon in Omaha". I think there will be a lot of neat tie-ins like that from BB but that the show is going to really have an identity of its own. The first episode was a little slow to start but that may have been because we were half asleep. I'm definitely going to be watching episode 2 tonight. Can't wait.
Just finished the first episode, pretty well done and I totally loved the Cinnabon in Omaha reference, I picked up on that immediately.
Slow as a comedy. I hope those two guys on the skateboards don't turn into this series version of Badger and Skinny Pete.
Lol @ Tuco getting all fired up about his abuelita being called a biznatch and at the obsession with the space blanket.
Originally posted by YouSeeEffer:
Lol @ Tuco getting all fired up about his abuelita being called a biznatch and at the obsession with the space blanket.
Mike as the "troll under the bridge" was fantastic! Loved it.
And, "I'm the best lawyer ever! I just talked you down from a death sentence to six months probation!"

This post was edited on 2/10 2:39 PM by YouSeeEffer
Slept through the second episode. I watched the premier of Breaking Bad and every episode after that. Doesnt bode well for this series.
Originally posted by HuffyCane:
Slept through the second episode. I watched the premier of Breaking Bad and every episode after that. Doesnt bode well for this series.
I actually thought episode 2 was better than the first. Like the vibe of the series so far. Can see lots of opportunities for interesting story lines. I'm in for now.
I haven't seen last night's episode, but it sounds like things are finally getting going...

I do have a question that I can't remember about BB. Did Saul and Gus already have a relationship? Walter got Gus's name and number from Saul, right? I can't remember.

As soon as we get Gus, Mike, and Saul, going in this show, it will be a masterpiece for BB fans.
I just watched last night's episode..


It's getting good! Mike is such a badass.
I'm just today going to start Breaking Bad on Netflix. Guess this show will be on Netflix by the time I get through BB.
Loved the Mike backstory. Really wanting to see how he comes up with Saul Goodman when he eventually gets forced into changing his name bc of the other law firm.
I think we already know why he will choose Saul Goodman as his name.

Recall the scene where Slippin Jimmy and another guy found the fat guy passed out in the alley with the Rolex watch? I think it was episode 2 or 3. Well anyway, when they first entered the alley, the little weasel apologized for something and Jimmy responded, "it's all good man" but with very slurred speech. It sounded like he was saying "Saul Goodman."

I bet that is how he picks "Saul Goodman" when he eventually changes to it.
Originally posted by UCFKnight85:
I'm just today going to start Breaking Bad on Netflix. Guess this show will be on Netflix by the time I get through BB.
Did the same thing in December. Watched 5 years of BB in 5 weeks. Glad I did.
Mike was my favorite character from BB. Last nights episode was amazing. What great character development and backstory.

I did the entire BB series in 4 weeks this past November. Amazing.