Bianchi Poll-Bortles, Tebow or Winston

Bortles has a commanding lead in the poll at the moment. Results as of 8:20 a.m.:

Which of these Florida college quarterbacks did the most to silence NFL critics?
  • Tim Tebow, Philadelphia Eagles
    176 votes

  • Jameis Winston, Tampa Bay Bucs
    28 votes

  • Blake Bortles, Jacksonville Jaguars
    352 votes

  • Other
    3 votes
559 Total Votes
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Watched every minute of the "Tebow" game and you have to be kidding if you think he silenced any critics. No way did he earn the THIRD QB spot. I guess he did well since he was incredibly horrible in previous starts, but right now he's 4th string. Just a bunch of brainless gators voting.
Almost 11 p.m. Bortles' lead shrunk during the day, but not by much. Here's another poll update for anyone who's interested:

Which of these Florida college quarterbacks did the most to silence NFL critics?
  • Tim Tebow, Philadelphia Eagles
    274 votes

  • Jameis Winston, Tampa Bay Bucs
    59 votes

  • Blake Bortles, Jacksonville Jaguars
    545 votes

  • Other
    5 votes

    883 Total Votes
I don't really care about the poll, it's clear to anyone who watched them play, Bortles played the best. Then again, I'm not sure the point of comparing 3 QB's who have vastly different experience levels and expectations, unless of course it's just shameless clickbait. Oh, I guess I do get the point.