Biden accused of sexual assault

Jesus, this is bad. Caution, graphic detail of accusations in spoiler. NSFW

he did uncomfortable things like “put his hand on my shoulder and run his finger up my neck.”

That's basically rape.

"He went down my skirt but then up inside it and he penetrated me with his fingers,” Reade emotionally continued.
This kind of puts all of the creepy Joe moments perspective. He's clearly a sexual predator. Probably only a matter of time before more accusers come out and tell their stories.
This kind of puts all of the creepy Joe moments perspective. He's clearly a sexual predator. Probably only a matter of time before more accusers come out and tell their stories.

Or maybe he paid them off.
This kind of puts all of the creepy Joe moments perspective. He's clearly a sexual predator. Probably only a matter of time before more accusers come out and tell their stories.
If he has any foresight he will have a tabloid and his dirty lawyer buy up these stories and kill them in exchange for government contracts. That's typically how these things are handled
Word out of Russia is that there's a video of Biden forcing Chesty LeFranz to feltch him.
She deserves to be heard and taken seriously and Biden deserves due process. She's now made the accusation publicly, so that should probably trigger some investigation unless they are going to play the angle of her not taking it to the jurisdictional authorities. Which is valid. We'll see what comes of this.
She deserves to be heard and taken seriously and Biden deserves due process. She's now made the accusation publicly, so that should probably trigger some investigation unless they are going to play the angle of her not taking it to the jurisdictional authorities. Which is valid. We'll see what comes of this.

Theres no way that the senate will not call her to testify.
This will definitely help Joe. He will be able to pull a few of those trump voters who were a little unsure about voting for Donald the first time, but now have no problem throwing their support to a pu$$y grabbing soldier like Biden.
So nobody here is willing to condemn his sexual assault on this woman? Weird.
So you guys are no longer supporting creepy rapist Biden in the general election. Just checking... ;)
So you guys are no longer supporting creepy rapist Biden in the general election. Just checking... ;)

They can't. They told us previously that every single woman, no matter if facts exist or not, MUST be believed wholesale with any accusation that they put forth upon a man.

Therefore the only conclusion here is that Joe Biden is a rapist and he must step down.

I mean, surely these hoards of liberals, feminists, and #MeToo zealots wouldn't have been just saying all of that for the purpose of trying to kill off a SCOTUS nomination, right?
“For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally,” said one famous politician, “you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real.”

- Joe Biden
“For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally,” said one famous politician, “you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real.”

- Joe Biden
“For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally,” said one famous politician, “you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real.”

- Joe Biden

Good point Joe. You're a rapist...prove us wrong.
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I lean toward believing her. I hope more come forward to back her up. Right now it's easy for doubters to say "well she's lying" because she's just one woman with no witnesses. If we could get like 17 women to come forward it would really back her up that something isn't right here.
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Has Biden stepped down yet?

All women must be believed without demanding facts or evidence. We learned this a few years ago, it is now written in stone.

I look forward to the liberals on this board denouncing Biden all the way to November and refusing to vote for him, since they too were all-in on "believe at all costs, facts or corroboration be damned".
Has Biden stepped down yet?

All women must be believed without demanding facts or evidence. We learned this a few years ago, it is now written in stone.

I look forward to the liberals on this board denouncing Biden all the way to November and refusing to vote for him, since they too were all-in on "believe at all costs, facts or corroboration be damned".

She's a dog faced pony licker. No way would Joe be interested her.
Has Biden stepped down yet?

All women must be believed without demanding facts or evidence. We learned this a few years ago, it is now written in stone.

I look forward to the liberals on this board denouncing Biden all the way to November and refusing to vote for him, since they too were all-in on "believe at all costs, facts or corroboration be damned".
See above. I believe her. Joe is a very old man, if he's sexually assaulting people in the 1990s it's most likely not a one time thing. More should come forward so we can get a better idea of this man's past. If he were to have maybe 17 women come forward then you would be able to say for sure that he's not fit for leadership without any Americans having doubt. Any recordings you could get where he discussed sexual assault would do him in for sure. This is something we cannot tolerate.
I love how 85's argument in this thread is basically: "Yes, I fully support rapists"

Disgusting, but not surprising given he supports pedophiles too.
See above. I believe her. Joe is a very old man, if he's sexually assaulting people in the 1990s it's most likely not a one time thing. More should come forward so we can get a better idea of this man's past. If he were to have maybe 17 women come forward then you would be able to say for sure that he's not fit for leadership without any Americans having doubt. Any recordings you could get where he discussed sexual assault would do him in for sure. This is something we cannot tolerate.

You don't. You'll be pulling that lever for Biden and you'll be back in the tank for him within 7-10 days. Maximum.

Attempted Whataboutism - denied. You made the rules, now live by them. Right?