That's not Buffy the Vampire slayer.The sloppy blowjobs from GKS. Her hair keeps getting tangled in my keyboard.
This study is invalid. Nowhere is fapping on the list.
~ signed Barrister
Has anyone ever Fap'd at work?This study is invalid. Nowhere is fapping on the list.
~ signed Barrister
Are there no sexual therapists where you live?I feel like your compensating.Has anyone ever Fap'd at work?
That's right barrister. Her blowjobs are neat and tidy like a delicate princess.Woah, way to cross a line there, barrister.
Seriously dude, WTH?
You wouldn't be able to gripe so much if your mouth was full.Woah, way to cross a line there, barrister.
Seriously dude, WTH?
I saw an opening and I went for it. and no there is no pun or double entendre meant with that statement.GDS, don't be a classless POS .