Blue Bell Recalls All Ice Cream after 3 deaths from Listeria

Someone please tell me again why Blue Bell is better than Bryers?
I have 2 boxes of Blue Bell in my freezer, one box of vanilla bean and one box of pistachio almond. I finished up the pistachio on Tuesday and ate a bowl of the vanilla last night. The ice cream was delicious and I feel fine. Listeria is our new Ebola mini-scare.

Save me, gubment, save me!!

From NBC article:
"Dr. Robert Tauxe, an expert on foodborne diseases at CDC..

"Tauxe says Blue Bell is doing the right thing now by closing its factories, recalling all products and doing a deep clean. Listeria is especially problematic because it thrives in refrigerators and freezing doesn't kill it.
"Blue Bell is routinely a clean place," Tauxe said. "But this outbreak puts Blue Bell on notice and I think it puts the entire ice cream industry on notice. They need to worry a good deal about Listeria."

Apparently, it isn't uncommon for Listeria to show up in foods on a regular basis and these "on-going" problems are not unusual.

From Food Safety Watch:

"Countries differ in their regulatory approach to the presence of L. monocytogenes in RTE food.
In the USA a ‘zero tolerance policy’ is taken on the presence of L. monocytogenes in any RTE food, and the pathogen should be absent in 25 g of product. However in 2008 the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a draft consultation paper proposing to loosen up these controls to allow a maximum limit of 100/g in frozen and refrigerated RTE foods that do not support the growth of Listeria.
European Union regulations generally permit a count of up to 100/g at the end of shelf life for RTE foods, except those intended for infants and for special medical purposes."

Save me, gubment, save me!!