Boxer previously barred from women’s events wins fight after opponent quits in 46 seconds

She was born a female, raised a female, and lived her entire life as a female in a country (Algeria) that outlaws all things transgender. There is absolutely zero evidence she is purely a biological male.

I know this upsets feeble minded morons, but there is such a thing as intersex. People are a spectrum. Michel Phelps was born with an abnormally large wingspan, double jointed ankles and tons of genetic advantages resulting in an Olympic medal count that will likely never be rivaled. No one is whining about his differences, he is celebrated. Pathetic disgusting bigots use this case to exhibit their prejudices in a (currently) socially acceptable way and it is just sad.

Literally no one cares about women's boxing, unless they can use it whip up their inbred base. Why is Trump talking about this? Had he ever taken an interest in women's boxing before? Of course not. It's a dog whistle for inbreds to exhibit anti trans sentiments.
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Khelif is an accomplished amateur who won a silver medal at the International Boxing Association’s 2022 world championships. The same governing body disqualified her from last year’s championships shortly before her gold-medal match because of what it claimed were elevated levels of testosterone.

Probably the roids.
She was born a female, raised a female, and lived her entire life as a female in a country (Algeria) that outlaws all things transgender. There is absolutely zero evidence she is purely a biological male.

I know this upsets feeble minded morons, but there is such a thing as intersex. People are a spectrum. Michel Phelps was born with an abnormally large wingspan, double jointed ankles and tons of genetic advantages resulting in an Olympic medal count that will likely never be rivaled. No one is whining about his differences, he is celebrated. Pathetic disgusting bigots use this case to exhibit their prejudices in a (currently) socially acceptable way and it is just sad.

Literally no one cares about women's boxing, unless they can use it whip up their inbred base. Why is Trump talking about this? Had he ever taken an interest in women's boxing before? Of course not. It's a dog whistle for inbreds to exhibit anti trans sentiments.
This is what I have read too. She also has also been beaten several times, including finishing 5th at the Tokyo olympics, so it's not like she is beating people like Mike Tyson in his prime or something.

Khelif is an accomplished amateur who won a silver medal at the International Boxing Association’s 2022 world championships. The same governing body disqualified her from last year’s championships shortly before her gold-medal match because of what it claimed were elevated levels of testosterone.

Probably the roids.
She was born a female, raised a female, and lived her entire life as a female in a country (Algeria) that outlaws all things transgender. There is absolutely zero evidence she is purely a biological male.

I know this upsets feeble minded morons, but there is such a thing as intersex. People are a spectrum. Michel Phelps was born with an abnormally large wingspan, double jointed ankles and tons of genetic advantages resulting in an Olympic medal count that will likely never be rivaled. No one is whining about his differences, he is celebrated. Pathetic disgusting bigots use this case to exhibit their prejudices in a (currently) socially acceptable way and it is just sad.

Literally no one cares about women's boxing, unless they can use it whip up their inbred base. Why is Trump talking about this? Had he ever taken an interest in women's boxing before? Of course not. It's a dog whistle for inbreds to exhibit anti trans sentiments.
Boards biggest incel doesn’t know what a female is, writes an essay about his confusion

Christian Bale GIF by PeacockTV
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When they're a little down, you can always count on our crew to get jacked up again with a little transgender bashing, even if it's not real.

It's certainly better than racial identity bashing
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Itt: joe falls for an obvious inbred bait article, finds out he's wrong, falls back on attacking the Nebraskan to deflect from looking like a moron.

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"The Algerian boxer was born female, was registered female, lived her life as a female, boxed as a female, has a female passport," IOC spokesperson Mark Adams said on Friday.

Looks like Joe fell for more Russian disinformation, as the association who removed her is a Russian based proxy company.

But please tell me more about how a female born in a sunni Islam culture and grew up female in a country where being trans is punishable by death and is like 9-7 in the ring is actually a male

Who elses misses the old Joe that didn't fall for this obvious russian bullshit?

"The Algerian boxer was born female, was registered female, lived her life as a female, boxed as a female, has a female passport," IOC spokesperson Mark Adams said on Friday.

Looks like Joe fell for more Russian disinformation, as the association who removed her is a Russian based proxy company.

But please tell me more about how a female born in a sunni Islam culture and grew up female in a country where being trans is punishable by death and is like 9-7 in the ring is actually a male

Who elses misses the old Joe that didn't fall for this obvious russian bullshit?

In fairness she looks a little manish
Hilarious coming from someone in Nebraska on a UCF board. After 8 years. For a school he didn't attend. Or root for.
You'd THINK an honest-to-goodness UCF fan would appreciate a non-UCF grad who cheers for his Knights.

Full disclosure, I started following you guys in 2016 when Scott Frost became your head coach. A year later, I fell in love with McKenzie Milton, Shaquem Griffin, and that whole 'never-say-die' bunch who went undefeated in 2017 and upset Auburn in the Peach Bowl. While those guys eventually left town, the Knights have remained my second favorite team after my Huskers.

What IS strange is why a supposed UCF football fan would try to 'SCREECH' me off "his" board? It's the same kind of bizarre, obsessive behavior we've all come to expect here from UCFBS and Boston. As with those guys, you can't help but see your rants and wonder, WTF?
You'd THINK an honest-to-goodness UCF fan would appreciate a non-UCF grad who cheers for his Knights.

Full disclosure, I started following you guys in 2016 when Scott Frost became your head coach. A year later, I fell in love with McKenzie Milton, Shaquem Griffin, and that whole 'never-say-die' bunch who went undefeated in 2017 and upset Auburn in the Peach Bowl. While those guys eventually left town, the Knights have remained my second favorite team after my Huskers.

What IS strange is why a supposed UCF football fan would try to 'SCREECH' me off "his" board? It's the same kind of bizarre, obsessive behavior we've all come to expect here from UCFBS and Boston. As with those guys, you can't help but see your rants and wonder, WTF?

Because you don't talk football, dummy. 99% of your posts come in here. FFS, you were 25 before you figured out how to lift the toilet seat, weren't you?

Ah, and you've now moved on to gaslighting.

"iM nOt cReEpy u R cReEpy!!!!!!"

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It's pretty hilarious, thall, to sit back and watch them fawn over each other in a thread that I pretty much expected would go as it did. The board's two biggest retards never disappoint.

Again, for both the retards: it was probably the roids. Next time, I will bold it and use Crayons.

Joe: insinuates in his very post that she is a man

Everyone else: actually there is zero proof she even had elevated levels of testosterone, let alone is a man. There was one unverified and unreleased test from a currently discredited association that is owned by the Russian government after she beat a Russian boxer.

Joe: hurr durr they are so stupid for thinking I meant what I said.

Bro are you a sadomasochist or something? Do you enjoy being made to look like a moron? You are absolutely stacking Ls. No judgement if this is your kink, your mom was into way weirder shit.

It is hilarious tho seeing conservatives admit that a biological woman born with female genitalia can be a man 😂 The GOP just played itself into admitting gender is a continuum and isn't black/white or binary.

But honestly how goddamn stupid do you have to be to think Algeria actually sent a trans woman to compete in the Olympics?
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Yeah, I've changed my stance. Definitely a dude.

This is disgusting.

Eat it, tards.

You really need to add a sarcasm tag.

People idiotic enough to believe Algeria sent a trans woman, who was born and has lived her entire life as a female with a vagina, to the Olympics are idiotic enough to not understand that you are being sarcastic.
"thall_, post: 3276455, member: 36038"]

Desperate incels like @NinjaKnight will still claim XY chromosomes are female so that it’s less gay when him and @DaShuckster trade rimjobs

Fake news. I was told gender is a spectrum.

Posts about a women born with a vagina, but has XY chromosomes.

Then literally in the next sentence immediately posts that gender is not a spectrum.

Actual self admitted incels aren't smart enough to recognize Joe is obviously joking with his glaringly contradictory post.

Stop feeding the trolls, those like BS are fat enough and it's poor form to pick on the mentally retarded.

🤣 😂 🤣

Libtards still don’t know what a woman is. It’s sad. This dude with a vagina is not one though.

Glad the GOP is finally joining the 21st century in recognizing that gender is a not binary. Every other culture has realized this for thousands of years.
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"thall_, post: 3276455, member: 36038"]

Desperate incels like @NinjaKnight will still claim XY chromosomes are female so that it’s less gay when him and @DaShuckster trade rimjobs

Fake news. I was told gender is a spectrum.

I just realized you intentionally quoted that self admitted incel since I have him on ignore 🤣

Masterful trolling on your part.

Love to see he is still absolutely addicted to me, dude is obsessed. 🤣

But how fūcking dumb does he have to be to think what he posted is a gotcha? You absolutely owned him 🤣

Quick recap: a girl is born in Algeria. She lives her whole life as a female, grows into a woman. She has a vagina . Competes as a woman obviously. Has XY chromosomes and a vagina. Inbreds and the GOP: ha gotcha obviously gender is not a spectrum, here is proof hahahaha

Nicely done on your part.

It is funny his response, I obviously struck a major nerve by calling him an incel. 🤣 😂 Oof. Not surprised he isn't even capable of coming up with his own insults with his room temperature IQ. Thanks again Joe, well done.
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funniest part about @NinjaKnight ‘s sperg sessions is looking at the post time and edit time

He fired that one first one off, let it marinate for an hour, undoubtedly read it over and over as he greedily rubbed his dorito-dusted hands together, then decided if he inserted another emoji-riddled paragraph it could truly reach perfection

He’d be so much happier if he wasn’t employed by the government
Me listening to transphobes explain how someone born with female genitalia but has elevated levels of testosterone is now actually a biological male.

You dumbass motherfūckers are even smart enough to understand you are destroying your own argument.

This is (idiotically) like 90% of Trump's reelection platform. All he has is "be a bigot" and you are helping flush it down the gender neutral toilet.
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Me listening to transphobes explain how someone born with female genitalia but has elevated levels of testosterone is now actually a biological male.
Even though she's from Algeria, Trump brought the issue up in one of his recent stump speeches. The guy may be an idiot, but he damn well knows what triggers his base.
Even though she's from Algeria, Trump brought the issue up in one of his recent stump speeches. The guy may be an idiot, but he damn well knows what triggers his base.

How fūcking inbred do you actually have to be in order to think this remotely matters? It's 100% a dog whistle just to stir up morons. Literally no one whining about this actually cares about women boxing, they just want a socially acceptable outlet for their transphobia. That's all this is, and it's pathetic.