***BREAKING: a payment of $500k from Russian bank made to Trump*** MEGATHREAD ORANJ MAN BAD EDITION


Two-Star Recruit
Nov 30, 2018
This is big folks.


edit: don't read the last 2 lines, that's just a REDHAT MAGAt conspiracy. DRUMF IS DONE! MUELLER TIME, IN PEACH MINTS!
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Frost's 3 wins.
i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about Scott Frost. u wouldnt say this shit to him in person, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol
Lock her up already. This is a joke. She should have been behind bars BEFORE the elections

People have been predicting the decline and fall of the Clinton Gang since Bill was nothing more than a stump water politician in Arkansas. He has been involved in numerous sexual escapades, the whole White Water deal and all this before he ever even saw Washington. Then you combine this with Hillary and her countless crimes. Everything from unexplained murders, to Bengazi and the Russian nuclear deal. Nothing has ever stuck. Nothing will ever stick. The Clintons have something. I don't know what it could be, but they are basically beyond the reach of the law. Hillary will never be President. Her shafting anti goy boy Bernie made sure that will never happen now. Stick around, I am just waiting for them to groom Chelsea and trot her out as the golden princess of the Democrats

The clinton foundation is the biggest fraud I know of except for the Rothschild banks. They did everything illegally. They did all the paperwork wrong. They committed many billions of dollars of fraud globally. They stole money from the people who were supposed to get charity money, like Haiti, and gave it to their cronies. I doubt that this FBI investigation is serious. I think it's probably just for show.
That incorrect. Fact check it. The uranium shot is fake....its a hoax. But right wing and faux news brainwashing continues

That's the latest chapter in the Republican playbook: When under attack, make up sh*t on the opposition in order to claim "They did it too!!!"
That's the latest chapter in the Republican playbook: When under attack, make up sh*t on the opposition in order to claim "They did it too!!!"

Hilarious, coming from a guy who makes up shit to label others racist.

Why don't you stop running away from your own comments and get into the thread where we've been demanding you prove where Fab ever said anything racist?