Brian Williams was Chris Kyles' spotter in Iraq


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 6, 2003
He was also on the mission that killed bin Laden.

Brian Williams also was 1 of the 6 snipers that freed Captain Philips.
I bet he isn't going anywhere. If Dan Rather could shit news out of his mouth for 45 years, anyone should be able to.
Hey, his kid was Peter Pan and plays a left wing feminist on that awful show GIRLS. No way he's being fired!
Now he had dysentery and was fighting off gangs in New Orleans.

This guy is a trip.
How ironic is it that Fox is reporting on another news source's discrepancies.

"Gore is president!" "The pope is dead!"
I hear Brian Williams was a human shield for Hillary Clinton as she dashed thru sniper fire after a scary cork screw landing.