Budwesier beer is now called "America"


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 6, 2003
Literally. The beer is now called America for 7 months, and they put American stuff all over the can.


They know they craft beer guys are slowly taking share, so now they're targeting the wife beater Trumpsters who will blindly buy mediocre beer if it's wrapped in enough faux American bravado. Much like Trump himself.

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I bet it tastes just like the tears of Miller and Coors who probably wish they had thought of that great idea first.
In Europe, particularly Eastern Europe, that is often how it is ordered. "Two American beers please." Just like some parts of American refer to Dr. Pepper as a coke, they refer to Budweiser as American beer. It will be interesting to see if they market it as "America" overseas. There are plenty of people over in Europe who love Budweiser and won't admit it, but would stop drinking it in public if it said "America" on it.
In Europe, particularly Eastern Europe, that is often how it is ordered. "Two American beers please." Just like some parts of American refer to Dr. Pepper as a coke, they refer to Budweiser as American beer. It will be interesting to see if they market it as "America" overseas. There are plenty of people over in Europe who love Budweiser and won't admit it, but would stop drinking it in public if it said "America" on it.

They should rename it Europe and reduce the volume by 40%, explaining that that amount went to those who don't want to pay for beer themselves.

They'll feel right at home.
Literally. The beer is now called America for 7 months, and they put American stuff all over the can.


They know they craft beer guys are slowly taking share, so now they're targeting the wife beater Trumpsters who will blindly buy mediocre beer if it's wrapped in enough faux American bravado. Much like Trump himself.

Now you're an expert in marketing, who knew.
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Just like some parts of American refer to Dr. Pepper as a coke,

WhereTF is this? That's just plain stupid. Do they order a hot dog when they want a hamburger?

Don't ever leave your liquor or beer unattended at a tailgate if BTK is there. The same shit happens.

That's just not true. I don't take anything unless I'm offered it more than once. The first offer is always people just being polite and they really don't want you taking their stuff. If they offer again then maybe.

Still waiting on the results of the drink off to settle that dispute ...

When was this supposed to happen?
Still waiting on the results of the drink off to settle that dispute ...

I don't think that was Bob and I. I would only do that if I was allowed a handicap. Since he's bigger dude than me, he starts with one drink for for every 10 pounds he's got on me plus another for every decade older I am. Sounds fair.
That's just not true. I don't take anything unless I'm offered it more than once. The first offer is always people just being polite and they really don't want you taking their stuff. If they offer again then maybe.
You just don't remember. It's okay Bob, it's in your nature and I don't judge.
Eh, it fits. It's a mediocre, but pretentious beer, just like America is a mediocre, pretentious country.

Bud Light is trash though.

Trololol. If Budweiser did not want to be named after a "mediocre, pretentious country", but wanted to be named after a great, modest country, what would it be named?
Psh if America the country is mediocre who is above mediocre?

I'd concede closer to mediocrity since the great WASPs who built America have been replaced by our abrove criticism silent "chosen people" overlords
I don't think that was Bob and I. I would only do that if I was allowed a handicap. Since he's bigger dude than me, he starts with one drink for for every 10 pounds he's got on me plus another for every decade older I am. Sounds fair.
There was a tailgate incident in which one Cooligan came to a tailgate repeatedly without their own drinks and knowingly picked up the partially consumed drink of another Cooligan. Justice Huffy was asked to opine on who was at fault. I wrote a lengthy opinion which was inducted into the Hall of Fame (and has now been deleted). I determined that trial by combat (a drink off) was the only just way to solve the dispute.
There was a tailgate incident in which one Cooligan came to a tailgate repeatedly without their own drinks and knowingly picked up the partially consumed drink of another Cooligan. Justice Huffy was asked to opine on who was at fault. I wrote a lengthy opinion which was inducted into the Hall of Fame (and has now been deleted). I determined that trial by combat (a drink off) was the only just way to solve the dispute.

I remember that and it was great - a true hall of fame series of posts. My old brain just doesn't remember which Cooligans were involved. I'm sure someone else does.