California wants out


Diamond Knight
Gold Member
May 31, 2008
A proposal in California has been submitted to the Secretary of State’s Office on Thursday campaigning for the state to secede from the United States.

The proposed “Calexit” initiative would ask voters to repeal part of the state constitution that declares California an inseparable part of the U.S.

A recent poll suggested that one in three California residents would support a possible secession from the U.S. due to their opposition to President Donald Trump. No mention has been made of the president in the proposal.

If the proposal qualifies for the ballot and is approved by voters, it could be a step to a future vote on whether the state would break away from the rest of the nation.
Will they rejoin after Trump's presidency? People are way too shortsighted.

Federal government won't allow it anyways.
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I am 100% for this. I hope they do leave.

Afterall, they could leave and we could simply retake the land in 1-2 days since they're a bunch of bedwetting morons who ban firearms and are too drugged to fight if they had to.

I doubt it'd be all of CA though. The western and northern areas are far more conservative than the nutjobs in SF or LA.

If we could just saw off LA up to SF and push it out to sea, it would literally be the best day on earth.
I am 100% for this. I hope they do leave.

Afterall, they could leave and we could simply retake the land in 1-2 days since they're a bunch of bedwetting morons who ban firearms and are too drugged to fight if they had to.

I doubt it'd be all of CA though. The western and northern areas are far more conservative than the nutjobs in SF or LA.

If we could just saw off LA up to SF and push it out to sea, it would literally be the best day on earth.

What about San Jose? That's the profit center for CA. Who gets them in the divorce?
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If they weren't taking federal funds, their tax rate would be even crazier. There is no way they can economically afford this and businesses will be running for Texas or some other state. However, they would have socialized trigger ball pits and puppy time to get a break from whatever boogie man they're scared of at any given time.
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I think I'm registered to vote in 3 different California counties...and if this measure goes to the ballot, I will make sure I vote YES "at least 3 times".
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You won't need to be registered to vote in the new California. are probably right. I wasted $30 ($10 for each registration) that I gave to that guy in the Home Depot parking lot in San Pedro that said he would get me registered in 3 different counties.

I was ripped off!
Other than a ton of produce I don't know what the rest of the country would really miss.
I'm a big fan of this proposal and as an non-Californian will support any and all efforts for their succession.
Other than a ton of produce I don't know what the rest of the country would really miss.
I should google big CA companies on my iphone to see if there are any I'd miss. I know a few of my facebook friends work out there. I just can't think of any off the top of my head.
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I should google big CA companies on my iphone to see if there are any I'd miss. I know a few of my facebook friends work out there. I just can't think of any off the top of my head.

Believe many would leave California for the other 49 their products would become way too expensive in regards to the tariffs the USA would put on their exports.
Believe many would leave California for the other 49 their products would become way too expensive in regards to the tariffs the USA would put on their exports.
You've obviously never worked with tech companies based in California. Good engineers only live within about 100 mile radius of San Jose. The rest of us are knuckle dragging mouth breathers. They would never leave barring it sliding into the ocean.
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You've obviously never worked with tech companies based in California. Good engineers only live within about 100 mile radius of San Jose. The rest of us are knuckle dragging mouth breathers. They would never leave barring it sliding into the ocean.
I live in San Jose. We'll choose to stay since we just hate socal.
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They need to do it quick so we can stop the wall in Nevada and just go up the Commiefornia border instead of going to the Pacific.
They wouldn't last a minute. If it weren't for all the Federal handouts, that liberal mess of a state would have went bankrupt years ago.
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We could definitely join the PAC12 with all the teams they would have to replace.

Houston would be sitting pretty for an invite. Basically the top of the MWC and Houston/BYU (if they can deal with the baggage) would slide in with the non-cali PAC12 teams and it would be a real good conference.

I'm more and more in favor of this. Get a few B12 teams to go and we slide in there.