Cam Newton is a real great guy

Apparently females didn't make the cut to be included in his gesture of empowerment

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Yeah - and even then her Twitter responses were pretty much just answering questions. She has been really professional about it tbh.

There are "politically correct" reporters, and there are even "triggered feminists" in a few cases. She was absolutely none of these, just like the majority of female reporters are who could care less about those causes. They just want to be taken seriously, and from everything I read on this reporter, she's more knowledgeable about the game than a lot of men.

I mean, how many men have played football at a professional, or even just collegiate, level? The differences between men and women are virtually nil there. She asked a relevant, even a very interesting among the others, question ... and he not only insulted not just her, but her profession, and followed up with the same non-sense in-person, after-the-fact.

You'd figure some male athletes would have learned better after all the crap other reporters, especially women like Erin Andrews, have to put up with.
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Determined not to let Cam Newton be the only jackass taking heat today, Roddy White has decided to chime in to agree with Newton regarding women daring to ask football questions. He offered his input in barely understandable jibberish on twitter.

Why is people making a fuss about cam and the woman reporter he laughed than answered her question but it was funny first time for me to

— Roddy White (@roddywhiteTV) October 4, 2017
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"Why is people making a fuss about cam and the woman reporter he laughed than answered her question but it was funny first time for me to" Cam just needs to apologize, just like I did. It is completely wrong for us to make any professional feel unwelcome. Just as we would not want to be treated that way."
— Logical Roddy White (@logicroddywhiteTV) October 4, 2017
Awww... poor snowflake 85 is offended by Cam. Time to run to his safe space again.
I almost felt sorry for her at first ....... until I read this.

So, another sweetheart poster child for white privilege ends up being a racist halfwit? Naaaahhhhhhhh... LOL.
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It's pretty obvious the only reason the reporter asked the question is because she's a racist and Cam is black. She deserved what she got. If it were a white QB she would have just flipped her hair and giggled when called on.
LOL. Holy shit. Liberals minds must be exploding- do they go after the sexist black guy who completely demeans women, or the racist white female who was belittled by a man for doing her job?
They just like defining people into different groups so they can get conflict. That's how this works.

I bet they'll all settle on blaming all of this on some white guy.
That's how Zimmerman worked. He's not black, he's not Hispanic ... he's "white." Oh, and those elipsis (replacing the dispatcher's question) shouldn't even be there.

The media, not common sense, defines racism to fit the pre-determined agenda.