Can anyone relate to this video?? 🤣

The dude is a UF and Cowboys fan, that pretty much says it all. Like tell me you grew up in the 90s without telling me you grew up in the 90s. He’s an open UCF hater, like most UF fans. He can kick rocks…

You must be a hoot at parties.
Just a hint, those laughing at your 'jokes' at parties and then walking away, they don't think you're funny repeating 1990s jokes. You actually think that's funny? I'm not insulted or care that he went to uf, I could have and got the hell out of there as quick as I could. But you really think that's even remotely close to funny? I'm betting you need gas after hearing why the chicken crossed the road. It's not annoying, it's not funny. IT'S BORING.