Can we ban right-wing terrorists from our states?


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Jul 26, 2004
Right wing terrorists have killed more Americans than Syrian refugees. I don't want them in my state anymore. Why aren't our governors kicking them out and protecting us??
They should be. A terrorist is a terrorist regardless of any beliefs or skin color. Radical Christians are no different from Radical Muslims. There just happens to be a few million more of the latter kind.
They should be. A terrorist is a terrorist regardless of any beliefs or skin color. Radical Christians are no different from Radical Muslims. There just happens to be a few million more of the latter kind.

Save your breath, Bob. They know that radical Islam is deadlier than any other radicalism in religion, by a measure of roughly 1000 to 1, but they're ignorant imbeciles who have a hard-on for perpetually spreading fear of the Conservative White Man boogeyman. It's never OK to rsuh to judgement about all Muslims when a massive % of their population engages in mass slaughter; it is however perfectly fine to opine about the dangers of Conservative White Man on their Facebook feeds whenever an asshole who claims to read the Bible commits an atrocity.

Oh, and I'll jump ahead for them: by not being in favor of the systematic slaughter of unborn children, you're complicit in these murders. You're just as guilty! You're pro-life and thus, you must be cheering this guy on from the safety of your Conservative White Man privileged home.

How does it feel to be a co-conspirator in a terrorist act?
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This has just begun..
The whole GOP are terrorist movement is larger than you think, I have way too many friends on the far left, and they are talking about creating lists of all evangelicals, and registering them as terrorists..

Why can't common sense rule the day?
This has just begun..
The whole GOP are terrorist movement is larger than you think, I have way too many friends on the far left, and they are talking about creating lists of all evangelicals, and registering them as terrorists..

Why can't common sense rule the day?

Well if friends of yours are talking about it, it must be a done deal already.
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All of us would go Red Dawn on an foreign invader. But Middle Easterners are just suppose to take it when the West invades their country?
The war on religion is actually a war on thought.
And the left and right are more than willing to hack away at all our civil liberties.

In all honesty, thank God for the courts.
Otherwise we would have lost all our rights long ago.
It's never OK to rsuh to judgement about all Muslims when a massive % of their population engages in mass slaughter

Considering that there are over a billion Muslims worldwide, and several million here in the US, please provide evidence that a "massive %" of the Muslim population engages in mass slaughter
Right wing terrorists have killed more Americans than Syrian refugees. I don't want them in my state anymore. Why aren't our governors kicking them out and protecting us??

Interesting (not), would you like to enlighten us with some examples?
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BTW, I personally know Syrians that escaped (yes I said escaped) Syria because they were Christian and would have been killed over there because they were Christian and NOT MUSLIM! the Muslim's of course have no tolerance for that and have not since day 1 of mohamed. He and his family to this day still help out on distributing bibles into syria. YOU don't know who is coming in this country from over there but one thing is for sure they don't value life like we do. I'm not saying all syrians want to kill us but why are we taking a chance that even ONE comes here for the motive of taking innocent Americans out and believe me there are thousands that have come here already with that in mind. There is no vetting them because they are all coming over with fake credentials and govt papers saying they are innocent hard working syrians looking for a better life here.

Early American immigrants that came to our country came here to better themselves and build a country that was great which they did. The ONLY thing they were given or promised when they came was life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And they had to work from day 1 to not only survive but to become an AMERICAN, no welfare, no free place to live, free healthcare, free food, NOTHING!
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Considering that there are over a billion Muslims worldwide, and several million here in the US, please provide evidence that a "massive %" of the Muslim population engages in mass slaughter

I meant massive population in comparison to other groups/religions.

I'm not going to try and count every single Islamic jihadist worldwide since it would take years. I can point to ISIS alone and determine that there are at least 40-50,000 terrorists right there. The CIA estimates that Al Qaeda has somewhere around 28,000 people affiliated with them one way or another. Al Shabaab in Kenya is estimated to have 9,000 members. Turkey claims that the PKK has over 15,000 fighters. The 2014 CIA estimate puts the Taliban at 60,000 fighters across Afghan/Pakistan.

In total that's 162,000 jihadists right there.

And those are just the mainly organized groups with structures that can be counted. There are thousands more who are the lone wolves that buy the Jihadist bullshit and act on their own. There are also hundreds more of smaller groups throughout Africa, Asia, EurAsia, and the ME that aren't counted here.

No, it's not a huge % of the overall Muslim population but it's still really concerning. THere's really no debate that the % of terrorists in the Muslim faith is way higher as a % than other major religions.