CFP Selfish Interest, Article on Forbes


Silver Knight
Oct 26, 2014
I feel like we've been inserted into the movie "The Revenge of the Nerds".


On the nerds side of course :)
Anti Trust...been saying this for a while.

Not going to happen. An anti trust suit would be predicated on the G5 proving collusion and damages which can't be proven, and even if it could the counter argument would be that any G5 team has an equal opportunity to secure broadcast rights and claim national titles. Every team has knowingly joined the FCS division knowing that there are no guarantees but still reap the benefits of their membership in myriad ways.
Not going to happen. An anti trust suit would be predicated on the G5 proving collusion and damages which can't be proven, and even if it could the counter argument would be that any G5 team has an equal opportunity to secure broadcast rights and claim national titles. Every team has knowingly joined the FCS division knowing that there are no guarantees but still reap the benefits of their membership in myriad ways.

Anti trust laws are predicated on the effect an organization can have on the public. This means that for any person or company to have standing they have to claim that any given situation is detrimental to a consumer. There are literally no damages to any consumer in a measurable way so no party can have standing. UCF has no more standing than any other team that isn't crowned national champion or was excluded from playing in the playoff.
Not going to happen. An anti trust suit would be predicated on the G5 proving collusion and damages which can't be proven, and even if it could the counter argument would be that any G5 team has an equal opportunity to secure broadcast rights and claim national titles. Every team has knowingly joined the FCS division knowing that there are no guarantees but still reap the benefits of their membership in myriad ways.
It got Utah in the PAC12 so someone believed the threat
Not going to happen. An anti trust suit would be predicated on the G5 proving collusion and damages which can't be proven, and even if it could the counter argument would be that any G5 team has an equal opportunity to secure broadcast rights and claim national titles. Every team has knowingly joined the FCS division knowing that there are no guarantees but still reap the benefits of their membership in myriad ways.
Anti trust laws are predicated on the effect an organization can have on the public. This means that for any person or company to have standing they have to claim that any given situation is detrimental to a consumer. There are literally no damages to any consumer in a measurable way so no party can have standing. UCF has no more standing than any other team that isn't crowned national champion or was excluded from playing in the playoff.




Should’ve stopped reading after you didn’t know what division we are in.
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Anti trust laws are predicated on the effect an organization can have on the public. This means that for any person or company to have standing they have to claim that any given situation is detrimental to a consumer. There are literally no damages to any consumer in a measurable way so no party can have standing. UCF has no more standing than any other team that isn't crowned national champion or was excluded from playing in the playoff.

So by screwing everyone in the G5 makes it legal? Just because the CFP committee isn't compensated directly monetarily does not mean there is no effort to deny G5 fair and equitable access to the college playoff. Compensation does not only have to be monetary. Intent is 99 percent of the law and with the CFP the intent is 100 percent to keep everyone outside the P5 looking in at the playoffs. That is why some in the P5 want to setup a separate playoff for the G5. They know they have legal exposure the way the system is right now.
Anti trust laws are predicated on the effect an organization can have on the public. This means that for any person or company to have standing they have to claim that any given situation is detrimental to a consumer. There are literally no damages to any consumer in a measurable way so no party can have standing. UCF has no more standing than any other team that isn't crowned national champion or was excluded from playing in the playoff.

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So by screwing everyone in the G5 makes it legal? Just because the CFP committee isn't compensated directly monetarily does not mean there is no effort to deny G5 fair and equitable access to the college playoff. Compensation does not only have to be monetary. Intent is 99 percent of the law and with the CFP the intent is 100 percent to keep everyone outside the P5 looking in at the playoffs. That is why some in the P5 want to setup a separate playoff for the G5. They know they have legal exposure the way the system is right now.

For there to be a legal case, there has to be provable damages, or in a class action suit proof of collusion. Neither exist so it's not going to court.

Don't get me wrong here, I do think UCF was screwed and consider them the only legitimate national champion. But me saying it, the committe saying it, or the coaches or AP saying it, doesn't open anyone up to legal liability.
Not a real fan.

Boo frigging hoo. Whether I'm a "real fan" or not makes absolutely no difference in the legitimacy of an argument about legality. Are you suggesting that the only lawyer who could adequately represent UCF or the G5 would have to be a fan of theirs to make a legally cogent case?
So by screwing everyone in the G5 makes it legal? Just because the CFP committee isn't compensated directly monetarily does not mean there is no effort to deny G5 fair and equitable access to the college playoff. Compensation does not only have to be monetary. Intent is 99 percent of the law and with the CFP the intent is 100 percent to keep everyone outside the P5 looking in at the playoffs. That is why some in the P5 want to setup a separate playoff for the G5. They know they have legal exposure the way the system is right now.
They are compensated monetarily by putting big name teams in their playoff. Alabama is the biggest football draw in terms of money. It’s why they are in every CFP.
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They are compensated monetarily by putting big name teams in their playoff. Alabama is the biggest football draw in terms of money. It’s why they are in every CFP.

By keeping the P6 and the G4 out of the playoffs the P5 cartel keeps all these schools from reaping the financial benefits afforded the P5 schools including name recognition which helps in recruits top athletes.
They are compensated monetarily by putting big name teams in their playoff. Alabama is the biggest football draw in terms of money. It’s why they are in every CFP.
Who is? Not the committee. Yes the big name schools reap the benefits of being big name schools but that's hardly against the law. They benefit off of the OPINION of a group of people and sportswriters who have no financial stake in the game. IF they could prove that a team or conference paid those people for their vote then yes an anti-trust case could have some merit.

Could you sue ESPN for not giving the same level of exposure to UCF as they do the SEC? Nope. If ESPN kept UCF from getting exposure from ANY other network or media outlet then yes you could sue them.

I get the fact that some people think there's a conspiracy against lower level schools but in point of fact there is nothing illegal about any of it.
They are compensated monetarily by putting big name teams in their playoff. Alabama is the biggest football draw in terms of money. It’s why they are in every CFP.

Not remotely accurate. Texas A&M is the largest draw. Texas and Notre dame are right there as well. The ratings for the championship game will be lower than if UCF was in it, so obviously the decision to put Alabama in wasn't based on money.


Think Danny White didn't intentionally use this symbolism with the Castle in the backdrop for ESPN and other media outlets? #Cinderella
Isn't the whole argument based on the made up P5 vs G5. Who sanctioned this separation? How was it determined? Doesn't creating this divide make ESPN money at the expense of G5 schools? Putting UCF in this year may in fact have boosted ratings but gives the AAC and UCF leverage in the future. Teams should be rewarded not conferences.
The margin between the AAC and ACC is paper thin and the AAC had the 4th ranked schedule this year of all the conferences. If it was still the P6 there would be no question UCF is in the playoff. Look at their computer rankings. 1 or 2 in half the computers. Where they get marked low is in the subjective human polls. AAC is at least as good as when West Virginia Louisville and Rutgers were members. Memphis, Houston, UCF, and Navy have more than picked up the slack.
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