Check out this RACIST!!!!


Todd's Tiki Bar
May 29, 2001
Kentucky's Andrew Harrison found out the hard way that nothing said during a post-game press conference is ever really private.An
expletive and racial slur directed at Wisconsin's Frank Kaminsky was
picked up by microphones as Harrison sat, disappointed, and tried to
explain Kentucky's first loss in 39 games.



This post was edited on 4/5 11:33 AM by KnighttimeJoe

UK player
It was just really stupid and immature. At least the kid recognized that.

I'm more happy that the most corrupt coach in NCAA history was not allowed to compete for another title.

I look forward to Cal leaving UK in 2 years with a string of violations pending.
UK's Cauley-Stein walked off the court as soon as the game ended and refused to shake hands.with players/coaches from the only team to beat them this year.

Winning and even losing helps expose one's character or lack of.
2 important points:

1) Black people can't be racist.

2) Its ok to insult white people with horrible slurs.

Quicker you accept these 2 truths will make your life easier. Fortunately, our crappy moderator is not black so we can continue to insult the worst mod ever.
Coach Cal may be a POS coach, but he is not as bad as Pitino who will always be revered by the Loserville masses.
Andrew Harrison should be prosecuted, jailed, kicked off the team, banned from ALL sports, kicked out of school, pay back his scholarship, attend sensitivity counseling, attend racist counseling and make a public apology on live TV. I want Al Sharpton on TV condemning Andrew Harrison and have the black panthers and Jesse Jackson backing him. I want protests all over the country, maybe a riot or two as well. These are the only things that will make it right!!
If Kaminsky said that Obama and Holder would be on a direct flight to Madison to pursue civil rights charges and make speeches to insight riots and force Kaminsky to be expelled and Bo Ryan to resign for running a blatantly racist program. But alas there is no such thing as racism towards white people, we deserve everything we get for not stopping slavery.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'm not playing any violin. I'm just trying to figure out why it's AOK to discriminate against certain groups. Treat everyone as you expect to be treated except if they're conservative or Christian or Jewish. Heaven forbid if you're all those and minority. Then you're just a puppet and can't think for yourself.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by KnighttimeJoe:
Andrew Harrison should be prosecuted, jailed, kicked off the team, banned from ALL sports, kicked out of school, pay back his scholarship, attend sensitivity counseling, attend racist counseling and make a public apology on live TV. I want Al Sharpton on TV condemning Andrew Harrison and have the black panthers and Jesse Jackson backing him. I want protests all over the country, maybe a riot or two as well. These are the only things that will make it right!!
Burn this mother effer down!
We need to end all this politically correct language crap. Yes this kid like the rappers said things they shouldn't have said. And yes they should be called out for it. They shouldn't have their lives torn to shreds over it. It is a rare white kid or young man who never said the N word, either in jest or anger. When they use it getting called out is the right thing, blowing it up into something worse than rape is not the right thing. It is a rare black kid that has not used the Honkey/cracker/word of the month term. Same thing applies, they need to be corrected and make it clear that is not acceptable, but their lives shouldn't be ruined either. People need to grow a thicker skin.
Originally posted by Bob the Knight:
I'm not playing any violin. I'm just trying to figure out why it's AOK to discriminate against certain groups. Treat everyone as you expect to be treated except if they're conservative or Christian or Jewish. Heaven forbid if you're all those and minority. Then you're just a puppet and can't think for yourself.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Expand on this. I'd like to try to raise Chris's statistically at risk blood pressure a little more.
Originally posted by FearTheKnight:

Originally posted by Bob the Knight:
I'm not playing any violin. I'm just trying to figure out why it's AOK to discriminate against certain groups. Treat everyone as you expect to be treated except if they're conservative or Christian or Jewish. Heaven forbid if you're all those and minority. Then you're just a puppet and can't think for yourself.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Expand on this. I'd like to try to raise Chris's statistically at risk blood pressure a little more.
Nice, FTK. That actually made me laugh.
Originally posted by Bob the Knight:
I'm not playing any violin. I'm just trying to figure out why it's AOK to discriminate against certain groups. Treat everyone as you expect to be treated except if they're conservative or Christian or Jewish. Heaven forbid if you're all those and minority. Then you're just a puppet and can't think for yourself.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I would like to know who replaced BTK with a fox news drone?
Originally posted by UCFEE:
Off handed remark from a kid after an emotional loss = institutional racism and patterns of civial rights violations by a major police department.... duh fuh.
This kid like all RACISTS!!!!! has a dark, evil heart.
Lol @ the off handed remark excuse . Was it racism ?? Probably not . But if the white guy throws the n word at the black guy in an off handed remark it's clearly racism . It's fun watching some of you defend this thug . That was an off hand remark , no offense intended
Posted from Rivals Mobile
You asked for it FTK...

Why is racism even being discussed? He called him a NIGGA!!!! How in the **** is that even remotely racist??? Is this some kind of joke that now white people being called the n word by a black guy is racist? What planet am I on? I'm really starting to think people think he called him a cracker or some other white "slur" and don't even know what was actually said.

OF COURSE IT IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT IF A WHITE GUY CALLS A BLACK GUY THAT. Is this news to y'all? The context in which it was used, especially when considering it was used by college ball players, is the same as if he woulda said MOTHER****ER. Get it? Everyone can be cute and sarcastic if you want but the moment you even are remotely serious about a "double standard" then you sound ****ing stupid. And in 2015, if you really want to continue the discussion about why it's "ok" for some people to say it and not others then 1. You're a moron and 2. Whats wrong with you that you wanna call me a nigga so bad? Say whatever you want. If you're incapable of navigating the nuance and baggage of probably the heaviest word in our country's history then just steer ****ing clear. I can't even calm myself down enough to begin to have a conversation with the actual "double standard" crowd since there's no point in trying to communicate with that level of simplicity.

When Grayson was ballin out of control tonight I texted my boy, "damn, this nigga is showin out!" If you think that is racist you deserve an open hand slap to the face.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
okay im gonna call took the germans about 1900 years to stop hating the italians for taking them as slaves...only ~1750 years til we all get along and we can all say it...
Originally posted by ChrisKnight06:
You asked for it FTK...

When Grayson was ballin out of control tonight I texted my boy, "damn, this nigga is showin out!" If you think that is racist you deserve an open hand slap to the face.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Now it's racist.*
Originally posted by UCFRogerz:

Originally posted by ChrisKnight06:
You asked for it FTK...

When Grayson was ballin out of control tonight I texted my boy, "damn, this nigga is showin out!" If you think that is racist you deserve an open hand slap to the face.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Now it's racist.*
asterisk or no asterisk, that is
Harrison says n word. Meh no big deal I say it all the time.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
I thought he said it in jest while drunk at some concert. Must be thinking about someone else. My point still stands. Harrison said it out of anger as an insult whoever the drunk racist was said it as a joke. It's a word no one should say in any circumstance.
Posted from Rivals Mobile