China Corona Virus might be a little rough, but the worse virus...


Golden Knight
Nov 27, 2005
Is TDS. Impossible to shake off for some. The China Corona Virus is a man cold for most healthy folks.
Actually according to actual available numbers getting c19 at 30 years old is about the same risk as getting the flu at 65.

In the last 6 months on average about 120-300 Americans have died from the flu each day. Yesterday over 50 died from C19 and we just got started with the first death 3 weeks ago. The "flu is worse" crowd will probably be numerically incorrect within 30 days of our first death and we'll see the real shit hit the fan in 3 or 4 weeks.
Actually according to actual available numbers getting c19 at 30 years old is about the same risk as getting the flu at 65.

In the last 6 months on average about 120-300 Americans have died from the flu each day. Yesterday over 50 died from C19 and we just got started with the first death 3 weeks ago. The "flu is worse" crowd will probably be numerically incorrect within 30 days of our first death and we'll see the real shit hit the fan in 3 or 4 weeks.

A lot of people had/the have Chinese Corona virus and didn't even know it. I think the death % is way overstated
A lot of people had/the have Chinese Corona virus and didn't even know it. I think the death % is way overstated
Well then the numerical deaths will need to paint the picture for you to realize that you're wrong. Like I said, were already at 50/day. 120-300/day over past 6 months for flu. I suppose you'll see eventually that this ain't nothing to **** with.
The expected number of daily deaths in Italy is 1750. That's their population size average expectation.

They had 474 coronavirus deaths yesterday. Over 20% of the total deaths in Italy yesterday came from this. This isn't the flu and the death rate is significant. It may not be 3% or 1% but it's higher than the flu and it spreads faster. Only a true idiot would think that this will be anything other than catastrophic in a nation of 300MM that isn't taking it seriously.
I find it fascinating that Trump has decided to declare the corona virus is "The Chinese Virus." With him, everything has to be about creating an enemy.

The rationale behind his new strategy is pretty transparent though: Blame the virus on China. Declare we're at war and call yourself a wartime President, and -- here's the kicker -- charge anyone who dares question your Administration as a ...ta-DA!!!...American traitor! :)
I find it fascinating that Trump has decided to declare the corona virus is "The Chinese Virus." With him, everything has to be about creating an enemy.

The rationale behind his new strategy is pretty transparent though: Blame the virus on China. Declare we're at war and call yourself a wartime President, and -- here's the kicker -- charge anyone who dares question your Administration as a ...ta-DA!!!...American traitor! :)

Right on you know cnn first called in the Chinese Corona Virus? From a liberal network mind you. It was fine

Most viruses get named after region names
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I find it fascinating that Trump has decided to declare the corona virus is "The Chinese Virus." With him, everything has to be about creating an enemy.

The rationale behind his new strategy is pretty transparent though: Blame the virus on China. Declare we're at war and call yourself a wartime President, and -- here's the kicker -- charge anyone who dares question your Administration as a ...ta-DA!!!...American traitor! :)
Ignore it. It's a distraction. If Trump gets people mad about saying Chinese virus they aren't asking questions about his management of things like ventilators.
Blame cnn for calling it that months ago. Your talking points station. ;)
I give no shits. Call it the Ching Chang Chong virus as you pull your eyelids sideways. I want to know why we went 2 months with no tests as this exploded into the worst medical crisis of our lifetimes.
I give no shits. Call it the Ching Chang Chong virus as you pull your eyelids sideways. I want to know why we went 2 months with no tests as this exploded into the worst medical crisis of our lifetimes.

Fake racism

Nobody said anything about cnn two months ago
Hospitals are running out of gloves and masks and we aren't in the thick of it yet.
Stupid post. Get out of your mother’s basement. We have plenty of gloves and masks. Additionally, 2 months ago, we didn’t even have a crisis. It’s Trump’s fault that we don’t have a time machine? Guess he killed the time machine program too, right guys? :rolleyes:
Literally cnn called it the Wuhan virus and Chinese Corona virus hundreds of times not that long ago. [roll]

Even the Don LameOn called it the Chinese Corona Virus. What a racist! Funny how those talking points shift fast.