They have to be held accountable at some level. Is it a financial wrist slapping, or is a regime change needed…
You’re insane if you think our nation has any stomach to take on China in anything of consequence.
Right now China has developed superior offensive weapondry versus anything we developed during JFK-Reagan. Heck, even our defensive weapondry is dated at least 2 decades, and the Russians have better.
But even all that aside ...
1 billion Chinese are not about to let a Capitalist -- even if we're probably more Soviet than they are now -- country dictate anything. I'm so tired of people thinking we have advanced capabilities versus even the Chinese now. China just needs a couple more decades to produce in volume what they've already developed.
Plus ...
We’re too busy attacking each other to ever get united behind a single cause.
Divide and conqueror. We've done it to ourselves. 2016 election fraud becomes 2020. Etc... We are so fractured as a country, we are literally supporting the institutions that are actually dividing us. Mass and Social Media lies to us continually, from all sides, all angles, and we are still blindly believing one side is right, one side is wrong.
Not to mention that there’s a growing sentiment that thinks that enemies are a fabrication of the defense industry and all we have to do is reason with countries and it’ll be alright.
Russia violated every treaty starting in the mid '90s, yet we blame Obama or Trump for them starting development during Clinton. Our stupidity was not only ending all offensive weapons design, but refusing to deploy even Clinton-W. era stuff to protect our own troops.
Nope ... I'm so tired of the mass ignorance and selfishness. I think it's time to cancel all alliances. Let countries bark about us when we're no longer there.