CNN Suspends Cuomo


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Oct 21, 2001
This is why you don't let journalists have a conflict-of-interest in the first place. Will Mass Media never learn?

I don't really watch the guy ,but are you really surprised ? You really can't use the words ethics and journalism in the sane sentence .Unless the sentence is there are no ethics in journalism any longer . 😆
I don't really watch the guy ,but are you really surprised ? You really can't use the words ethics and journalism in the sane sentence .Unless the sentence is there are no ethics in journalism any longer . 😆
I'm surprised an entire network let it go on for so long.
Not even in the same ballpark being brothers with one trying to get information about witness to his sexual misconduct in office.

Right. Not a conflict of interest at all for Hannity. That was the point, Melvin. Dig deep into all 67 of your IQ points to figure that one out...
Reminds me of Hannity and Trump...
Yes ... and no.

Journalists can be friends with some of their interviewees, although it should remain professional. But former campaign members or administrative officials ... no. But that's happening with Biden, like Obama before Trump too. It's long reached the point of not showing integrity at times, no argument.

Stephanopoulos interviewing the Clintons -- not just because he was a former campaign and administration official, but had well into 8-figure financial incentives to paint the Clintons in a good light -- was the first, major example that finally 'set the new standard' that 'conflict-of-interest' doesn't matter, unlike before.

Chris Cuomo took it to a whole new level, he's family, and the more people dig, the realize not only did Chris blatantly serve his family over CNN, but many in CNN were complicit at times, knowing exactly what was 'going on.' That's really beyond what we've seen with Stephanopoulos-Clinton and Hannity-Trump.

CNN really took it to a 'new level,' Zucker has been a new plane beyond even what Ailes did decades ago, in a 'new norm' that is undermining the Press.

Zucker is literally undermining the 1st Amendment, calling for the government to censor competitors. It's funny, but as bad as Fox News is at times, it's stiill defended the CNN against the government and censorship (e.g., Jim Acosta), even though Zucker and CNN are calling for Fox News to be censored. CNN continues to 'shoot itself in the foot.'

SIDE NOTE: I cannot stand Hannity, and consider him just as bad as Maddow. Both have destroyed the lives of innocent people over a blind political alignment and narrative.