Computer Assistance


Golden Knight
Apr 24, 2003
Hello, I am semi knowledgeable about Computers. But I am stumped. I had to install Adobe Reader to open a new PDF. Now for some reason the Adobe Reader is not working in Chrome? Is there a patch to help open PDF's with Adobe in Chrome? Or is google anti Adobe?

It used to be in the plugins, and no longer is in the chrome plugins;

Anyone know why Chrome will not open PDF's.
About to uninstall Adobe, which just seems like a pain. since I like it, but want to use it. But Chrome only allows their pdf opener?
If you need assistance to open .pdfs you are not semi-knowledgeable about computers.
Hello, I am semi knowledgeable about Computers. But I am stumped. I had to install Adobe Reader to open a new PDF. Now for some reason the Adobe Reader is not working in Chrome? Is there a patch to help open PDF's with Adobe in Chrome? Or is google anti Adobe?

It used to be in the plugins, and no longer is in the chrome plugins;

Anyone know why Chrome will not open PDF's.
About to uninstall Adobe, which just seems like a pain. since I like it, but want to use it. But Chrome only allows their pdf opener?

I had this issue last spring.

I couldn't get Youtube links to work along with PDF. I just poured some water on the Intel chip. Fixed everything perfect.

This works brilliantly - but you need to add 1 tbsp to 1/3cup of water and mix thoroughly.