Congrats on your season.


Two-Star Recruit
Mar 12, 2004
I have not posted here in a while, used to on occasion a couple years ago.

You guys had a great year. Amazing, amazing turn around from 2 years ago.

I don't know how I feel about claiming a national championship yet. I like it in ways, and don't like it in other ways, but you don't need my approval, so my peace with it is irrelevant.

I will say that I have heard blowhards making the argument since your title announcement that you didn't play a power 5 schedule, blah, blah, blah.

To me that is the weakest argument they have. It isn't like UCF had a chance to join a power 5 conference and turned it down and said no thanks we would rather face UConn instead of Alabama. We all know UCF would take the field against any team in the country today if given the chance. UCF has not ducked anyone.

And you can't hold their conference schedule against them if you are refusing to allow them to join.

One thing I do hope comes about with the "controversy" of you guys claiming a championship is that it forces an expansion of the playoffs to 8 teams.

I say 8 teams because we all know, even if we don't agree with it, that those in charge of college football are only going to relinquish so much power.

I think the most realistic shot at expanding is to go to 8 teams, each power 5 champion gets an automatic bid, and have three wildcard spots. Make one wildcard spot designated for the highest rated group of five champion, and the other two would go to the two highest rated (most likely power 5) teams that are not conference champions - essentially meaning the remaining two wild cards would have to finish being ranked in the top 8 to qualify for the playoffs.

They could continue to utilize the committee to seed/rank the teams. And ultimately they would be responsible for deciding at least two wildcard teams getting into the playoff.

If the power brokers could not come to terms or have peace with the highest rated group of 5 team automatically getting into the playoffs, then they could set a minimum standard, I suppose, like the BCS had. For example the group of five team had to finish ranked in the top 12, or top 8, or whatever.

The people that control college football are never going to ensure the field is level for all, but they should be made to at least make a path for access to the playoffs for all.

Anyway, just my worthless opinion. Again, congrats on a great season.
As corrupt as the NCAA is, even they have thier standards. The NCAA does not recognize the CFP as producing THE champion, just a champion. Even if the playoffs went to 8 with P5 auto-bids and a slot for "the best G5" the NCAA would not sanction the winner as THE champion.

Given the existence of independents in FBS, the smallest playoff the NCAA would sanction as THE champion is 11. 10 conference auto-bids and an at-large.
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Thanks. Good points. CFP needs to expand to 16 for everybody's benefit in Div. I football.
There are ways to get there that aren't going to ruin current bowls and conference schedules. As long as there is subjectivity, undefeated teams like UCF have the right to claim at least a piece of the pie if not the whole thing :)
As corrupt as the NCAA is, even they have thier standards. The NCAA does not recognize the CFP as producing THE champion, just a champion. Even if the playoffs went to 8 with P5 auto-bids and a slot for "the best G5" the NCAA would not sanction the winner as THE champion.

Given the existence of independents in FBS, the smallest playoff the NCAA would sanction as THE champion is 11. 10 conference auto-bids and an at-large.

That is where I don't have a good answer. The NCAA has proven time and again they are going to protect the cash cow programs, and only truly punish certain programs. See: UNC.

So we cannot depend on the NCAA to fix football. That ensures the people who control football now will continue to do so.

That is why I think the best we can hope for is maybe a compromise to expand to 8 teams. I won't hold my breath.
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That is where I don't have a good answer. The NCAA has proven time and again they are going to protect the cash cow programs, and only truly punish certain programs. See: UNC.

So we cannot depend on the NCAA to fix football. That ensures the people who control football now will continue to do so.

That is why I think the best we can hope for is maybe a compromise to expand to 8 teams. I won't hold my breath.
I think even with a 8 team playoff the NCAA won’t sanction it and you will be in a similar situation only with maybe slightly less controversy with a CFP champion and potentially undefeated teams that are left out of the playoff also claiming they are champions.