Conservatives like this have gotta go ... (seriously)


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Oct 21, 2001
If you're going to display gross insensitivity to a fellow American, at least please pick an immigrant that is not a shinning example of the American dream!!!
QUOTE: 'Iraola is the father of three former students and said he came to the U.S. 40 years ago and owns three Mexican restaurants ... "He asked me a question. ... 'Why didn't I stay in Mexico?'" Iraola said. "Because this is the greatest country in the world."'

Can we please get more Americans like this father of three, and kick out that other parent that literally picked on the absolutely wrong American?!?!?!

I understand the sheer dislike of some of our country's policies and inconsistent enforcement that has resulted in almost anti-meritocratic immigration policy. That and we seem to now be building almost a 'government dependency' state for too many immigrants, denying them the American dream long-term.

But this? Talk about self-defeating! We want MORE people coming into this country like this guy! This is hallmark discrimination ... ignore his story, and assume because he's a Latino. Geez!
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ive talked to a couple republicans that are against all immigrants. thats not what i want. i want controlled immigration. i know some of our rules suck, and we need to change those. i just dont want unchecked mass immigration by people who want to abuse our welfare system and dont want to assimilate to our culture once here.