Covidiots. Stand up and Own yourself


Bronze Knight
Apr 13, 2019
Called you “sciency” morons out over a year ago for being sheeple idiots under the thumb of idiocracy.

suck it morons.

Proudly state your name. And own your position. I have the receipts. And can post them

Best thing I ever did. Distance myself from you subset of Knight idiots long ago.

apologies to all the cool minority set of folks here who didn’t fall for the sheeple scam.
Charge on.
Omicron is like a vaccine in itself. It is a mild form of the virus infecting millions and low mortality rate. -Bill Gates (paraphrased for brevity)
Probably Desantis telling USF personnel they looked stupid wearing the masks that didn’t do anything a couple days ago.
Obviously, the performance by our basketball team (coached by JD, the guy you hang your hat on) was so pitiful tonight that it triggered Runaway....but I am interested to see who will proudly state their name and own their position as he requested.

Yeah your post is as unrelated as the OP's. IMHO you both should feel bad.
No, mine is related and it appears that calling you out made you feel bad. Did JD's backer get his feelings hurt?

This is why you remain as a Silver Knight after all these years. Low quality posting.

And I should know. I produced the official Top 50 Soundoff Rankings and of course I won the POTY in 2018.

Plus all these 39 year old fitness instructors!
apologies to all the cool minority set of folks here who didn’t fall for the sheeple scam.
Charge on.
No apologies necessary to me as far as I'm concerned.

I'm just sad nearly 25M lost their jobs, $5T+ of wealth shifted to the already wealthy, much of the middle class was wiped out, and ... twice as many people live paycheck to paycheck, not just middle class, but even families who used to make $100-150K/year. We also had millions harmed and tens if not hundreds of thousands permanent harmed, by the current vacccine vectors.

It's amazing how a pair of US Federal Agencies were controlled by politicians, bypassed and ignored their experts, and conspired with the 5 Big Tech monopolies to censor their own experts, let alone others, and even dismiss far more accurate, foreign entities and their information ... even though the US FDA itself was using that info, and not the US CDC's.

And they're still doing it! The British Medical Journal (BMJ) and others are still getting censored, even though all major, household name Medical Schools are calling for an end to it. No expert agrees with the US CDC withholding 97% of their data for fears of 'misinformation' either.

Omicron is like a vaccine in itself. It is a mild form of the virus infecting millions and low mortality rate. -Bill Gates (paraphrased for brevity)
That's classic Bill Gates, along with the Internet was a fad (The Road Ahead, Gates '95 -- something they are trying to cover-up now), that 'Microsoft was first with the broswer idea' (at least Al Gore helped, even if indirectly, fund those who did), and ... my personal favorite ... Microsoft and Windows 'could have won the phone/tablet OS market.'

The reality?

Delta already did everything by fall of 2021, not Omicron.
We had all that data ... and the US CDC lied ... purposely ... for 9 months.

The statistics showed how vaccines -- let alone re-vax'ing ('Boosters') -- were not only next-to-useless for the general population under 40 (now the elderly and immunocompromised are a whole other story), but my favorite ...

Not only were the recovered not a threat, and spread an order of magnitude less than the vaccinated, but vaccination after recovery was negligible, or even worse. Many people went down with the vaccine after, while they didn't with the actual disease before, including my colleagues, 1 with permanent damage.

All for a lie. All for a narrative.

Heck, the US CDC just finally -- over the past 2 weeks -- gave into the US FDA recommendations -- since last year -- that recommend those under 40 wait 8 weeks between mRNA vaccines. Why? Not only is it far safer, but ... tada ... it's more effective!

And now we have the proof that re-vax'ing ('Boosting') are useless for the general population, and yet it'll be another year before the US CDC accepts that too.

We've lost all our experts. Heck, most of the 5 Big Tech monopolies are still censoring this information ... even the latest, updated US CDC pages that now match the reversed advisement!
When politics intersects science or medicine, politics wins everytime . The authoritarianism ran rampant the last two years. People toss out fascism like every conservative is some how Hitler or Mussolini. Yey Fascism is where government and the private sector collude to carry out the government's wishes. What we all saw was the Fascism of Big Tech, private companies and the media all coming together to squash scientific and medical opinions contrary to Dr. Fauci's opinion. Remember in the end Dr. Fauci have his medical opinion . That's what it was.

He led the march to kill small businesses and force compliance .He led the march to demonize the unvaccinated and marginalize people because they didn't hold his opinion in high regard. In every regard our government acted in a fascistic way regarding the pandemic and it was aided by big Tech and the media. I am actually thankful for it all. They took off their mask and put their true authoritarian colors on display for all to see. it is my hope they will get shellacked in November.

I remember when Trump got elected the left stood up and said we are the resistance like they were the Rebel Alliance or something. Now if you stand up against these people you are branded many things including domestic terrorists and your ideas are nothing more than disinformation. Weird how a war in Ukraine going on now involves a lot of disinformation. The left is standing up like they some how own the high ground here when they do nothing but to try silence opinions different than their own here in the States.

COVID should show all how they would truly govern if they had absolute power . I hope COVID wakes every one up here . We are individuals and it's not my place to tell any of you whether you should or should not get vaccinated,what doctor to see or if you should or should not wear a mask. That's what we should all stand for . We shouldn't sacrifice liberty or put the Bill of Rights on the shelf in the name of emergency powers . It's time to get back to our lives . It's time for government to pack it up regarding COVID .
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