David Boren


Five-Star Recruit
Gold Member
Nov 13, 2011
Wow, what a delusional wind bag that guy is. For whatever reason he felt like he needed to add his two cents to every question asked during that press conference, and no matter what the question his answer was some variation of "we need to capitalize on technological advancements" whatever the hell that means. Great strategy guys!!!

Thought I would be more upset than I am about not getting into the B12, although I am a little disturbed about missing the boat on whatever unbelievable technology they're working on.
ironic since technology was part of UCF's presentation showcasing the top video game program in the nation that Orlando based EA Sports is behind
Wow, what a delusional wind bag that guy is. For whatever reason he felt like he needed to add his two cents to every question asked during that press conference, and no matter what the question his answer was some variation of "we need to capitalize on technological advancements" whatever the hell that means. Great strategy guys!!!

Thought I would be more upset than I am about not getting into the B12, although I am a little disturbed about missing the boat on whatever unbelievable technology they're working on.
The future is Madden VR football on YouTube Gaming.
They never planned on expansion. It was to get more money out of the networks and possibly pushing towards a conference network.
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I thought the "improve technology" replies were pretty lame also. Like hello, Welcome to 2016. Is the midwest-Big12, stuck in last century or what?

They should change their conference name to the Little 10.
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Boren is a 75 year old career politician. I trust his instincts about technology.

The "Technology" aspect has been mentioned a lot. Broadcast TV is dying and so is the revenue. Don't expect TV money to keep skyrocketing. In fact, expect it to plummet drastically over the next 10 years. EVERYTHING is moving to streaming. And everyone is trying to figure out how to make the most money off of it. Ratings aren't down because of loss of interest (as Bianchi eluded to this morning). Ratings are down on broadcast because more and more are streaming. I have been in the broadcast and production market for 15 years and all of our products are now integrating various streaming technologies.

This is where the AAC can be successful. P5 TV revenue is going to keep decreasing. If the AAC can get ahead of the curve and figure out streaming rights, we could have our own online channels and be competitive. Also, when the B12 implodes, and it will, the AAC needs to try to grab a few of the better football schools to make the conference more attractive in the Playoff System.