De'Andre Johnson


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Jul 24, 2008
The disgraced former FSU QB was the QB for Tristan Payton at First Coast in Jacksonville. Any way that Tristan could talk De'Andre into coming here next year? He is currently serving "time" at East Mississippi Community College. Think he goes $EC like Cam?
Thank God that the SEC has that new rule about not accepting transfer of players who committed crimes against women. So we have a chance at landing him!
Thank God that the SEC has that new rule about not accepting transfer of players who committed crimes against women. So we have a chance at landing him!
Do they still accept transfers from female players who committed crimes against men, like slapping and kicking somebody in the balls just for reaching over their drunk ass to get a drink?
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Its a misdemeanor charge not 2nd degree murder. Im not against FSU kicking him off the team but it doesnt mean his football career should be over for it. I say sign him if he's interested.
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Well, without getting into an argument about never hitting a woman I don't think he's the type of person we want, especially how GOL says he vets players.
Entitled is being able to hit women in the face and get free education because you can throw a football. Lol
Entitled is being able to hit somebody and get away with it because you have a vagina.

I don't want someone on my team who is that reactionary as to not simply remove themselves from a situation like that and instead hit someone who poses no threat to them. I get your r/mensright point you keep trying to make, literally everyone in the world understands it and ideally she'd be charged with assault (not sure if she was or wasn't), but I don't want someone on the field who has so little judgement that they respond the way he did to someone who posed no realistic physical threat. The same type of person who does that is the one whose skin is easy to get under, who can't handle an opponent getting a late shove in without reacting, and we don't want that on our team.
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I don't want someone on my team who is that reactionary as to not simply remove themselves from a situation like that and instead hit someone who poses no threat to them. I get your r/mensright point you keep trying to make, literally everyone in the world understands it and ideally she'd be charged with assault (not sure if she was or wasn't), but I don't want someone on the field who has so little judgement that they respond the way he did to someone who posed no realistic physical threat. The same type of person who does that is the one whose skin is easy to get under, who can't handle an opponent getting a late shove in without reacting, and we don't want that on our team.
JJ Worton punched a cop in the face and hid under a car.

Jah Reid and a DE (can't remember his name) beat the shit out of each other during the Spring Game a few years ago.

2 years ago during practice, one of our DBS (can't remember his name either, think Geathers) grabbed Josh Reese by the troath and tried to choke him because he shoved him after a hard tackle.

Do you want those guys off the team too?
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I don't want someone on my team who is that reactionary as to not simply remove themselves from a situation like that and instead hit someone who poses no threat to them. I get your r/mensright point you keep trying to make, literally everyone in the world understands it and ideally she'd be charged with assault (not sure if she was or wasn't), but I don't want someone on the field who has so little judgement that they respond the way he did to someone who posed no realistic physical threat. The same type of person who does that is the one whose skin is easy to get under, who can't handle an opponent getting a late shove in without reacting, and we don't want that on our team.

Oh GTFOOH with that crap. In the heat of the moment of getting punched in the nose you might do the same thing. He paid the consequence of his action and apologized to her. However, holier than thou folks like yourself will hold it over his head until the day that he dies.
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JJ Worton punched a cop in the face and hid under a car.

Jah Reid and a DE (can't remember his name) beat the shit out of each other during the Spring Game a few years ago.

2 years ago during practice, one of our DBS (can't remember his name either, think Geathers) grabbed Josh Reese by the troath and tried to choke him because he shoved him after a hard tackle.

Do you want those guys off the team too?

Most football players will get into fights of some sort with their teammates, it's a totally different scenario than losing your cool in a game itself and certainly a totally different scenario than hitting a woman in retaliation at a bar. You've got a bone to pick, and that's fine, but short of lots of evidence of exemplary conduct on his part since then, I don't want him on our team.
Not a bone to pick, just trying to showcase the hipocrisy of the age of equality.
Oh GTFOOH with that crap. In the heat of the moment of getting punched in the nose you might do the same thing. He paid the consequence of his action and apologized to her. However, holier than thou folks like yourself will hold it over his head until the day that he dies.

I've been punched in the nose before, by a woman, for no reason, and I didn't punch her back. I walked away, got a bouncer, and had a laugh with my friends as she was kicked out of the bar. If you think getting hit in the nose and reacting immediately with a poor decision doesn't translate to a physical sport like football, I think you probably haven't ever played it yourself.

All of that being said, if he's had exemplary conduct since then, I wouldn't be against it entirely. But let's not kid ourselves with the risk that entails, he's already made national news for what he did and if another incident occurs, it's a black mark on our program. And, quite frankly, since we're not really hurting for QB's, I don't know if it's worth the risk.
Not a bone to pick, just trying to showcase the hipocrisy of the age of equality.

Yeah, we get it, it's pretty much the first thing I said. Unfortunately, that's the world we live in, and quite frankly in this case, he shouldn't have hit her back. I wouldn't have. It was an objectively stupid, visceral, and shortsighted thing to do.
Yeah, we get it, it's pretty much the first thing I said. Unfortunately, that's the world we live in, and quite frankly in this case, he shouldn't have hit her back. I wouldn't have. It was an objectively stupid, visceral, and shortsighted thing to do.
I'm not in favor of anybody hitting anybody, period. They're both idiots, but she got away with it.
Not saying he's the same type of player at all, but Cam Newton...

Cam Newton is the exception and not the rule, you understand that, right? How many highly rated QB's were recruited the same year as Newton? How many of them were as good as Newton? Which number is vastly larger than the other?
I'm not in favor of anybody hitting anybody, period. They're both idiots, but she got away with it.

Legally speaking, were any charges pressed against either person? You can't really control societal reactions, and we all know he was paying for the fact FSU and football in general was getting all sorts of sh*t for violence against women. But that doesn't mean any team who takes him isn't taking a major risk if something like that happens again.
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Cam Newton is the exception and not the rule, you understand that, right? How many highly rated QB's were recruited the same year as Newton? How many of them were as good as Newton? Which number is vastly larger than the other?
That's why I said I'm not saying he's the same type of player, but Cam Newton won a Heisman and a championship in one season because somebody took a chance on him. We don't really know how talented this kid really is, but if he's good enough to be offered a scholarship to FSU, he must be alright. We don't have anything behind Holman, at least not from what I've seen.

In the end, winning football games is what puts butts in the seats and makes the school and the program money, so much like signing a free agent with a stain on his personal record, taking a chance on kids like this is not a bad idea.
How many times did Jose Jose get in trouble? I remember he had trouble in high school, gun charges at one time, and was kicked off UCF's team a couple of times.

GOL gives chances to guys if they man up and ask for one with contrition. This kid would get the same treatment if he wanted to transfer.
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He has to live in Mississippi and he doesn't even get to play football? That's punishment enough!

I agree. Unless someone provides proof - he's a first time offender. So not only he gets the opportunity to pretrial but on top of that he's going to serve out his punishment to avoid a misdemeanor conviction in additon to his pretrial...for another year! Im sorry but if the Supreme Court got a hold of this they wouldve declared this unconstitutional. I cant imagine GOLs standards being that high...but then again im not GOL. :) #signhimifhewantstobehere