Democrats have Canada, where do republicans move when Biden wins?


Diamond Knight
Jan 27, 2011
Where are republicans going to move to get away from government healthcare? Are there any countries left that have enough white people for their racism and also let their citizens die in crippling debt?

Anyway just curious what country you would run to if liberals forced you to endure free healthcare.
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lol as if we can go anywhere. No one will accept Americans after the absolute boondoggle of a response to this pandemic, hands down objectively the worst response in the world.

MAGAts made this bed, now they have to lie in it.
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Conservatives My Family has about 800 acres in Mexico. Your welcome to stay just get your papers in order. We don't allow illegal Americans in. I got a Couple of bamboo houses and 2 outhouses. You will have to help with the ranch. Plenty of cheap Piss Beer. I am 2 hours away from waterfalls as well. Have a few donkeys u can ride to the store as well. Plus u can grow your own pot and poppy plants. Just grow enough for your consumption. Or Cartels may ask for their half.
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probably to California when the Civil War is inevitably kicked off by another leftist terrorism wave
Forgot to mention I live about 5 hours from Romney Compound. If anyone of my conservatives is Mormon, you can probably go there. But Cartel surrounds that area. Namely the Jalisco Cartel. Also, that area has some of the richest deposits of minerals in the world.