Did anyone hear Aresco's comments to ESPN?


Five-Star Recruit
Jan 30, 2015
Knightline has it in their Sunday podcast. I was pissed at Aresco for his silence...but now even more pissed that he spoke. He was condescending to UCF, basically saying it's "cute" that we're pretending to be National Champions, but that the real Championship is tonight.

How do we get rid of this guy? Instead of capitalizing on the momentum and separating us from the G5, he tears down the conference cowering to the P5.

What a worthless bum.
Knightline has it in their Sunday podcast. I was pissed at Aresco for his silence...but now even more pissed that he spoke. He was condescending to UCF, basically saying it's "cute" that we're pretending to be National Champions, but that the real Championship is tonight.

How do we get rid of this guy? Instead of capitalizing on the momentum and separating us from the G5, he tears down the conference cowering to the P5.

What a worthless bum.
Clone DW.
Knightline has it in their Sunday podcast. I was pissed at Aresco for his silence...but now even more pissed that he spoke. He was condescending to UCF, basically saying it's "cute" that we're pretending to be National Champions, but that the real Championship is tonight.

How do we get rid of this guy? Instead of capitalizing on the momentum and separating us from the G5, he tears down the conference cowering to the P5.

What a worthless bum.
The guy is worthless. What value has he brought to us?
If he's going to move up in the world of college football in the present day---he'd better support the system!
our goal is to leave and get to a P5 conference ASAP. His goal is to build up the conference and not piss off sponsors or ESPN. I agree he has not handled this properly but he cant publicly support what UCF is doing.
I bet he did it for contractual reasons.

He shouldn't be surprised if we start actively shopping around for a new conference then. Realignment could occur in 2023 IIRC so talk could start in the next 2-3 years. Open an account with FTD and Harry & David!
While I'd love to blast him the reality is half the teams in his conference were actively trying to get out of it last year. He knows we're going to bolt the first chance we get. He's not risking anything for a program that will drop him in a heartbeat.
That comment can be nothing but self serving. If he was representing the best interest of the conference he would be spending the majority of his time working on securing a media contract. Promoting UCF as the national champion only helps that cause. He has the markets within his conference to get a much better deal going forward and it would legitimize the AAC as being a P6 member if he did so.
He shouldn't be surprised if we start actively shopping around for a new conference then. Realignment could occur in 2023 IIRC so talk could start in the next 2-3 years. Open an account with FTD and Harry & David!
We can shop till our hearts are content. There is no P5 opening up any time soon. He is obligated to protect the system in place, he was part in negotiating it. Without him there is no autobid for access bowl for g5. He does not want to bite the hand, espn that he must negotiate with a year or less from now. The deal in place is what ESPN wanted, and received.
There should be a vote of "No Confidence" by the Galactic Senate, and Aresco replaced by Senator Palpatine....oh wait, wrong story.

What a jack-wad. Dude should be fired today for such a weak response.
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There should be a vote of "No Confidence" by the Galactic Senate, and Aresco replaced by Senator Palpatine....oh wait, wrong story.

What a jack-wad. Dude should be fired today for such a weak response.
Hocutt is more like palpatine

TCU is anakin
UCF is Luke
USF is jar jar
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He is looking out for himself and would also bolt if a bigger conference came a calling. Backing UCF is what he should be doing. We are carrying the water bucket right now for the conference and he should be helping. The NCAA does not name the National Champion. The P5 came up with the playoff which is subjective. Wikipedia already has us listed as National Champs and you would think our commissioner could be bold about it. I say dump him.
he must be getting threatened behind the scenes. The corruption is real

The only thing that will speed up change for UCF is for Senators Nelson & Rubio to get involved. UCF is the largest U in the State, time for a fair shake
he must be getting threatened behind the scenes. The corruption is real

The only thing that will speed up change for UCF is for Senators Nelson & Rubio to get involved. UCF is the largest U in the State, time for a fair shake

I agree 100%. It is why I keep saying the ESPN, the SEC, and the CFP need to be brought up on federal RICO charges for running an unlawful monopoly.