Disney World Ties


Four-Star Recruit
Nov 30, 2017
Why can't UCF use its Disney World ties to help force a move to a larger conference? It seems as Disney would benefit a lot if big fan bases made its way to Orlando on a consistent basis (Basketball and Football). I'm sure many of them would flood Disney and make a long weekend out of it. It seems like an angle that we haven't been able to capitalize on. It would think that UCF, the city of Orlando, and Disney could put their heads together and come up with a plan.

Also, why isn't the same three groups getting together to have a big football game at the citrus bowl every year with UCF to start the season against a power 6 program (UCF vs GT, or Ole Miss, etc.) It would be better than playing SC state to kick off the season!! It seems like it would be benefit all three.
Why can't UCF use its Disney World ties to help force a move to a larger conference? It seems as Disney would benefit a lot if big fan bases made its way to Orlando on a consistent basis (Basketball and Football). I'm sure many of them would flood Disney and make a long weekend out of it. It seems like an angle that we haven't been able to capitalize on. It would think that UCF, the city of Orlando, and Disney could put their heads together and come up with a plan.

Also, why isn't the same three groups getting together to have a big football game at the citrus bowl every year with UCF to start the season against a power 6 program (UCF vs GT, or Ole Miss, etc.) It would be better than playing SC state to kick off the season!! It seems like it would be benefit all three.

Two things come to mind....1) the parent company is much broader and larger than Disney World, their global footprint is huge and strategically not even a pimple on an Dumbo's ass for them. 2) Given the huge DW attendance numbers which approach 20 million annually, this would again not even amount to a pimple on Dumbo's ass.....the juice is not worth the squeeze

And one more thing comes to mind, using the same Disney logic, why not help move USC and UCLA to the B10?
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Two things come to mind....1) the parent company is much broader and larger than Disney World, their global footprint is huge and strategically not even a pimple on an Dumbo's ass for them. 2) Given the huge DW attendance numbers which approach 20 million annually, this would again not even amount to a pimple on Dumbo's ass.....the juice is not worth the squeeze

And one more thing comes to mind, using the same Disney logic, why not help move USC and UCLA to the B10?

Good point tourism is not an issue in Orlando, particularly Disney World. Magic Kingdom is $129 for out of town guests and it's still packed. In 2015 the 4 major parks combined for 57 Million in attendance, an extra 40k (4 home games) couldn't even be noticed if they tried.
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Good point tourism is not an issue in Orlando, particularly Disney World. Magic Kingdom is $129 for out of town guests and it's still packed. In 2015 the 4 major parks combined for 57 Million in attendance, an extra 40k (4 home games) couldn't even be noticed if they tried.

Completely agree, those attendance numbers for all 4 major parks makes any potential contribution towards attendance even more insignificant......
It would amount to about 0.07% increase if 10K people went to Disney for every home game. That's like someone making $100k signing a big complicated endorsement deal for a $70 return.

A pimple on Dumbo's ass.......
Does Disney Burbank and Disneyland sponsor PAC-12 teams?

I think the new Disney-Fox deal may eventually force some of this. They'd be smart to go after the AAC and PAC-12.
Does Disney Burbank and Disneyland sponsor PAC-12 teams?

I think the new Disney-Fox deal may eventually force some of this. They'd be smart to go after the AAC and PAC-12.
they already are in the club. I think just putting pressure to get UCF in the Power 5 before there is a permanent split is the wishful thinking I have with them being down the road
they already are in the club. I think just putting pressure to get UCF in the Power 5 before there is a permanent split is the wishful thinking I have with them being down the road
Disney supports UCF. To go beyond buying a FB suite and giving to academics UCF must create a much larger and more recognizable brand.

Most in the country didn’t even know UCF was in Orlando until we won the Peach Bowl. Some may have started to get a clue after Baylor.

In order for Disney to contribute more to UCF athletics has to do more on a national stage. Keep getting to major bowls, pack the FB stadium, Pack the BB Arena, get to a couple of college baseball World Series, Make the NCAA Basketball Tournament consistently and get to the sweet 16. Non Revenue Sports need to go further in NCAA tournaments. They need to play on more larger stages.

Disney is a international brand. We are a regional brand. We have to become more of a National brand before Disney opens the bank more for UCF. If there going to invest more in UCF there has to be a measurable return on that investment.

It’s just the way it is.
They don't because it would take them having to think about something more than themselves. Yes that's sarcastic, but doing something for UCF wouldn't bring the same "advertising" goodwill as supporting a charity does, so there's nothing there for them. They'd have to think of it as a pure charitable act, and there's probably only a small % of people who'll do that without having 1 hand vigorously patting themselves on the back. Pessimism Rules!
I don't want to give Disney any ideas here but I am also surprised that they haven't tried to sponsor/start up their own bowl game. On Disney property. At the WWOS Complex. Wouldn't surprise me if they haven't internally thought about the idea though. Also wouldn't surprise me if there is a master plan for a football stadium floating out there somewhere.
It would be nice if Disney can be relied upon for everything Orlando (not enough construction in Downtown Orlando for example) - not just UCF.
I don't want to give Disney any ideas here but I am also surprised that they haven't tried to sponsor/start up their own bowl game. On Disney property. At the WWOS Complex. Wouldn't surprise me if they haven't internally thought about the idea though. Also wouldn't surprise me if there is a master plan for a football stadium floating out there somewhere.

They own the CFP Playoff broadcast rights. That's enough for them.