DNC Stacked the Deck for Hillary


Todd's Tiki Bar
Oct 7, 2011

we pretty much knew most of this stuff already, but thought id share.

one thing i didnt know
Perhaps even more galling is that one of the reasons why the DNC struck this deal with Clinton was because of how badly Schultz had mismanaged the party’s funds. When Brazile stepped in as interim director, the DNC was $2 million in debt. Much of this was Obama-era neglect—according to Brazile, “Obama left the party $24 million in debt—$15 million in bank debt and more than $8 million owed to vendors after the 2012 campaign and had been paying that off very slowly.” Clinton’s campaign was keeping the party afloat, while using the DNC’s higher contribution limits to their advantage. As Brazile writes, “The campaign had the DNC on life support, giving it money every month to meet its basic expenses, while the campaign was using the party as a fund-raising clearing house.”
Interesting the DNC got bank loans. So how does that money from the bank get tracked in campaign finance laws? I can only donate about $34k per year to the DNC, but they got $15 million from a bank. I never put much thought into this before. I guess if the money is used for DNC overhead it would be okay. But if the money went directly into campaigns, I'd think it's an impermissible contribution.
Donna Brazile's loyalty has been stretched to the point she's coming out with just enough to make some points. It's going to be very interesting to see where this goes.

Remember, 8% of the registered, African American voters that voted Obama stayed home, and didn't vote for Clinton. There is even a lot of ruffled feathers among African-Americans about the Obama Presidential library in Chicago.

It's been extremely fascinating where all this is heading, and it's likely not going to leave a good legacy for Hillary Clinton ... or even Barack Obama long-term. She is as bad with her mouth as Trump is, and people are starting to question what the Obama administration accomplished for minorities.

The only thing I can find is that Police Departments were held more accountable by the US DoJ during the Obama administration. Will that be enough?