Here is what I've heard (and some of what I've read). The ACC GOR deal pretty much depends on an ACC network (I haven't read this, but it makes sense as no media network, no "substantial" media rights to forfeit). ESPN has pushed out launch of the ACC network. I believe there is a legal battle now as the network revenue won't be there per contract... for who knows how long. On top of that, ESPN has been hemorrhaging money and has been cutting costs and looking to cut more. There is word that the only reason the ACC got the money they initially got was to help pull teams away from the Big East to dissolve them. Now, because of the contractual requirements of a network, it sounds like the GOR may have to be redone and ESPN isn't going to want to offer as much money if and when the ACC network does come. And with GOR legality in question and less money on the table (at least until the network gets up), some teams may have better options. I probably have a few things twisted, but that is the gist of it.