Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass

85, you're act is so tired and sad. You're like the 4th grade bully on the play ground calling everyone names. I've lost count on how many adjectives you have called me but never once do you have any substance. Funny thing is, everything you have called me up to this point would suggest I would be supporting another candidate, maybe the one you are. Yet I am supporting the one candidate that has people of all sides supporting him, maybe that is why he is winning today.

All those words yet you didn't even attempt to deny you are, in fact, a fascist.

I'm not calling you many names, just one- fascist. Because you are.
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Bob, he is one of the worlds largest developer and thus plays the game to do so. Bain Capital's #1 guy is one of the biggest democratic fund raisers out there, he and Mitt are very close. Most every developer I have worked with give to both sides, its called playing it safe.

You on the other hand support a group of people who have accomplished nothing for the side you say you are on. Hell Bob, if you're upset of Trump giving to Democrats than why earth are you an establishment republican. They have done more for Obama than any group out there. Tell me Bob, what has your beloved republican establishment accomplished in the past six years of control over both house and Senate?

Challenge: name ONE conservative initiative that the Republican Congress could have passed, that you would have "approved of", that would have made it past Obama and signed into law.

Just ONE.

We'll wait.
All those words yet you didn't even attempt to deny you are, in fact, a fascist.

I'm not calling you many names, just one- fascist. Because you are.
Ultimately, everyone is an authoritarian who has little respect for opposing views. Everyone's a fascist and the delicious irony is that a lot of people use that word and it in fact demonstrates their own fascism because they are so contemptible to the views of the one they're accusing.
Ultimately, everyone is an authoritarian who has little respect for opposing views. Everyone's a fascist and the delicious irony is that a lot of people use that word and it in fact demonstrates their own fascism because they are so contemptible to the views of the one they're accusing.

This is utterly wrong.

I have respect for opposing views; I've come to accept some opposing views during my life. I would say this is true for most people. I do disagree strongly with many opposing views; this is not fascism.

Stating that an entire religion should be banned from a nation, based ONLY upon the religious affiliation of those people, based ONLY out of irrational hate and fear of those people, is fascist nationalism. This is a fact.
Ultimately, everyone is an authoritarian who has little respect for opposing views. Everyone's a fascist and the delicious irony is that a lot of people use that word and it in fact demonstrates their own fascism because they are so contemptible to the views of the one they're accusing.
Nope. Some of us, when hearing an opposing viewpoint are able to agree to disagree.
So, basically telling someone "Well, that's your opinion."

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This is utterly wrong.

I have respect for opposing views; I've come to accept some opposing views during my life. I would say this is true for most people. I do disagree strongly with many opposing views; this is not fascism.

Stating that an entire religion should be banned from a nation, based ONLY upon the religious affiliation of those people, based ONLY out of irrational hate and fear of those people, is fascist nationalism. This is a fact.
We did a poor job of vetting Farooq Saeed and his wife. The call for a ban was temporary until the US could figure out a better way of vetting immigration from Muslim countries. It would be an application of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. I don't personally agree with shutting down travel while trying to improve our intelligence process to prevent more terror attacks. But I'd certainly not want to be the person who gets held responsible for not doing enough to prevent a terror attack like San Bernadino. But this isn't the same as calling for political violence against people with dissenting views, and most especially, not asking for the suspension of democratic elections in favor of a radical authoritarian regime.
I love it when people with crazy views attempt to deligitimize terms like bigot or fascist.

Well then don't be the boy who cried wolf. If you think that hey let's throw out this term or that term and shut down conversation is a good tactic, I hope you it gives you heart burn when others don't take it seriously.
Who's crying wolf? Do you hear the rhetoric being spewed?
I don't like everything I hear. But the part about being tougher in trade negotiations with China, and not being indebted to the Koch brothers is appealing. The temporary ban on travel was an overreach but it doesn't amount to fascism. Plus the silly overreaction articles where everyone compares his tactics to Nazi-ism should remind everyone about the conservative boogeyman tales of Obama's brown shirts. Those made you chuckle right? Now the shrill shoe is on the other foot.
yeah conservatives love supporting planned parenthood, raising tariffs and income taxes. And we especially want to work with Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosy.
Trump said PP is ok as long as they dont get government money killing fetuses. If Trump wants to raise income taxes on the poor good for him. Maybe that will force the lazy bums out of poverty. As for the rest of your statements, if you heard what he said about Paul Ryan i doubt he's gonna bow to the party of slaves.
Trump said PP is ok as long as they dont get government money killing fetuses. If Trump wants to raise income taxes on the poor good for him. Maybe that will force the lazy bums out of poverty. As for the rest of your statements, if you heard what he said about Paul Ryan i doubt he's gonna bow to the party of slaves.

How do you separate the money they get from the government. It's like giving a drug addict money and saying you can't spend this on drugs. Guess what, they now have more money for drugs since they don't have to take from their drug money anymore to pay for food.
How do you separate the money they get from the government. It's like giving a drug addict money and saying you can't spend this on drugs. Guess what, they now have more money for drugs since they don't have to take from their drug money anymore to pay for food.
Trump is just gauging his public. He'll take care of them too and the Republicans will back him up. He called Sanders a socialist/commie and he's for vetting the immigrants. I'd go one step further and have him seek advice from right wing groups in Europe in fighting ISIS and the impending backlash of multiculturalism that is coming to America.
We did a poor job of vetting Farooq Saeed and his wife. The call for a ban was temporary until the US could figure out a better way of vetting immigration from Muslim countries. It would be an application of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. I don't personally agree with shutting down travel while trying to improve our intelligence process to prevent more terror attacks. But I'd certainly not want to be the person who gets held responsible for not doing enough to prevent a terror attack like San Bernadino. But this isn't the same as calling for political violence against people with dissenting views, and most especially, not asking for the suspension of democratic elections in favor of a radical authoritarian regime.

So, because 1 person and his wife slipped through the cracks in the Visa program, and carried out basically a lone wolf attack, we should shut down the entire entry of ANY person who identifies as a Muslim? REALLY?

That is utterly insane.

The Jihadists on 9/11 claimed the lives of over 3,000 Americans and yet, we did not force an un-American policy like banning ALL Muslims since it was apparent that 1.) it's insane and 2.) It only fuels the Jihadists in their PR war.
So, because 1 person and his wife slipped through the cracks in the Visa program, and carried out basically a lone wolf attack, we should shut down the entire entry of ANY person who identifies as a Muslim? REALLY?

That is utterly insane.

The Jihadists on 9/11 claimed the lives of over 3,000 Americans and yet, we did not force an un-American policy like banning ALL Muslims since it was apparent that 1.) it's insane and 2.) It only fuels the Jihadists in their PR war.
I can't believe that you have to argue against the banning of an entire religion. It is absolute nonsense.
Suggest banning Jews and Sir G and his buddies would go f*cking nuts.
I love that this thread turned into the Royal Rumble of morons.
Suggest banning Jews and Sir G and his buddies would go f*cking nuts.
Well when people in the name of Judaism start blowing shit up and killing innocent people in this country, you can start down that path. You embellish so much you remind of a pubescent teenage girl.
So, because 1 person and his wife slipped through the cracks in the Visa program, and carried out basically a lone wolf attack, we should shut down the entire entry of ANY person who identifies as a Muslim? REALLY?

That is utterly insane.

The Jihadists on 9/11 claimed the lives of over 3,000 Americans and yet, we did not force an un-American policy like banning ALL Muslims since it was apparent that 1.) it's insane and 2.) It only fuels the Jihadists in their PR war.
The ban was temporary until the vetting process could be re-evaluated so that we can try to find any additional Farooq Sayeed wanna-bes. I don't approve of if it but I do have to speak up since you continue to leave out an important detail.
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The ban was temporary until the vetting process could be re-evaluated so that we can try to find any additional Farooq Sayeed wanna-bes. I don't approve of if it but I do have to speak up since you continue to leave out an important detail.
Please don't infuse facts into 85's conversation. He is the first to scream rapist, racists, fascist and anything else he can come up with.

Isaac Amanios - had three children
Bennett Betbadal - Three young Children
Harry Bowman - Two young Children
Sierra Clayborn -
Juan Espinoza - Two young Children
Aurora Godoy - One young Child
Shannon Johnson -
Larry Daniel Kaufman -

Damian Meins - Two children
Tin Nguyen
NicholasThalasinos - Two children
Yvette Velasco
Mike Wentzel - Six young Children
Robert Adams - Three young children

85, those are the names of the innocent people your "one person and his wife who slipped through the cracks" murdered. That is 24 kids that won't have their father or mother growing up. Forgive me for supporting a temporary ban of immigrants from a war torn region that the State Department can't screen properly.
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Please don't infuse facts into 85's conversation. He is the first to scream rapist, racists, fascist and anything else he can come up with.

Isaac Amanios - had three children
Bennett Betbadal - Three young Children
Harry Bowman - Two young Children
Sierra Clayborn -
Juan Espinoza - Two young Children
Aurora Godoy - One young Child
Shannon Johnson -
Larry Daniel Kaufman -

Damian Meins - Two children
Tin Nguyen
NicholasThalasinos - Two children
Yvette Velasco

Mike Wentzel - Six young Children
Robert Adams - Three young children

85, those are the names of the innocent people your "one person and his wife who slipped through the cracks" murdered. That is 24 kids that won't have their father or mother growing up. Forgive me for supporting a temporary ban of immigrants from a war torn region that the State Department can't screen properly.
Trump wanted to ban all Muslims.
Yeah that's still dumb.
No.... what is dumb is letting 10 to 20k refugees in who are mostly 20 something males, who come from backgrounds and training we know nothing about. That is probably the only thing trump has said that makes sense.
I became a citizen last year and this are the options I have for my first vote. SMH
Trump wanted to ban all Muslims.
No, that is what MSNBC reported, go listen to his quote. It was a temporary ban from specific areas of the middle east. The primary responsibility of the President of the United States is to protect the American people. Allowing thousands of people in with little to no documentation and proof that ISIS has planted people within the Syrian refugee population, I find it incomprehensible that the President would not take actions to screen the immigrants properly.