I'm guessing either you don't now much about cult or don't follow politics much. There's maybe 1 day (in November) when those in a political party either vote for the one they want or "hold their nose" and vote, which is not cult like since they don't believe "all" beliefs etc. The rest of the time of year they're trying to tear the party apart because certain leaders don't believe like they do. For example, liberal Democrats hating H Clinton for being too moderate and Tea Party Republicans tearing down J Bush for the same reason. And then Clinton and Bush supporters shrieking about the others as being too extreme. Even the "extreme" sides of either party can't agree on 1 person. This "cult-like behavior" crap is truly a tired cliche that's blathered about as much as the "there's not a dime's worth of difference" crap. Right-to Life Democrats, Gay Log Cabin Republicans, economically but not socially conservative Republicans etc etc. Just because they look like they agree and a small minority vote for 1 person doesn't mean they are cult-like. Just because they have beliefs or principles and found only 1 political party agrees with those principles and hence they always vote for that party doesn't mean they agree completely with that party and are cult-like.