Don't bring pork to the office...*gasp*...might offend someone.

America: land of the "free to do whatever the fukc I tell you and that's it, ok motherfukcer?" and home of the "brave".*
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Women don't belong in the Dumbgeon or the office (except my step mom because she always has good leftovers for lunch). Most of the girls in the Dumbgeon have dicks though.
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Stupid. I thought this is why we had democracy, you know, to throw the more-common mindset the bone of privilege? Or are we slowly moving away from that idea to cater to feelings?

What does a workplace kitchen have to do with democracy

I ask not to support the author's piece, but to wonder how you went from a proposal by an interfaith group for the workplace to questioning the legitimacy of contemporary democracy.
What does a workplace kitchen have to do with democracy

I ask not to support the author's piece, but to wonder how you went from a proposal by an interfaith group for the workplace to questioning the legitimacy of contemporary democracy.
Pretty simple: if you let some magical invisible figure in the sky tell what to eat and what not to eat, then good for you, but
a) that's not anybody else's problem and
b) ham is fukcing delicious.

No allowing somebody to bring a ham sandwich to work because it offends somebody else's religion is the same as allowing somebody to tell you than eating a ham sandwich offends them: two things which you're not supposed to give a shit about. Fukc that shit, I eat whatever the fukc I want.
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I wasn't talking about the actual women in there. I'm talking about all the prepubescent girls that invaded the place and are acting like Justin Bieber died and their parents took away their iPhones.
Ok, good.
And you're not wrong. It's very tempting to increase my Ignore list...except it also ignores thread they start.

My words were poorly chosen.

Simple democracy. If most people eat pork(more than 66%, a constitutional majority), and you don't...don't bitch if there's pork in the fridge.

I alluded to women...because most religions don't consider women equal to men, Especially in the in the spirit of tolerance do we consider that belief also? No, because it's stupid. There are stupid religions too and we cherry-pick our choices and ethics to appease them...which is stupid.
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My words were poorly chosen.

Simple democracy. If most people eat pork(more than 66%, a constitutional majority), and you don't...don't bitch if there's pork in the fridge.

I alluded to women...because most religions don't consider women equal to men, Especially in the in the spirit of tolerance do we consider that belief also? No, because it's stupid. There are stupid religions too and we cherry-pick our choices and ethics to appease them...which is stupid.
I'll do you one better: if only one person in the office eats pork, the rest of the office needs to mind their own fukcing business. It's not like he's trying to shove pork down their fukcing throat. When did we decide as a species that "live and let live" is wrong?

Fukcing shit ass fukc, dude, geez.
-Rastafarians and pot brownies.
-Tribes that are still canabalistic and some broads boob(I actually have no evidence to support the idea that boob could be lunch meat).
-Any Asian dude and some monkey brains.

I work for Adventist Care Centers. Hardcore adventists are vegetarians. Other adventists don't eat pork, bottom feeding fish, or shellfish. We are not supposed to bring any of these things into the building. Also, if the company pays for a catered meal they will not include pork and sometimes not even meat! We all bring in pork anyway and no one says ish. The patients in the facility are stuck eating chicken bacon and turkey ham. Sucks for them.
America: land of the "free to do whatever the fukc I tell you and that's it, ok motherfukcer?" and home of the "brave".*

It isn't even 'Murica, dumbasses.

"Andy Dinham, professor of faith and public policy at Goldsmiths, University of London, is writing up the guidelines that will be put forward to employers this week."
It isn't even 'Murica, dumbasses.

"Andy Dinham, professor of faith and public policy at Goldsmiths, University of London, is writing up the guidelines that will be put forward to employers this week."

Yeah, It'll happen here in 2 years. Just like the pseudo-gender pronouns leaped the pond after showing up first in 2012 in Europe (Universities in Sweden and UK). Some idiots here will come up with the bright idea of adopting it after thinking it is a brilliant idea, forgetting that the majority of people eat pork as part of their OWN belief system (or lack of one).
I work for Adventist Care Centers. Hardcore adventists are vegetarians. Other adventists don't eat pork, bottom feeding fish, or shellfish. We are not supposed to bring any of these things into the building. Also, if the company pays for a catered meal they will not include pork and sometimes not even meat! We all bring in pork anyway and no one says ish. The patients in the facility are stuck eating chicken bacon and turkey ham. Sucks for them.
Is that the seventh day Adventists? Do they know that a New Testament exists? They're cult like with some of their beliefs.
Is that the seventh day Adventists? Do they know that a New Testament exists? They're cult like with some of their beliefs.

Most religions are cult-like with their beliefs.

Hell, political parties are religions now...very cult-like. People attach to political parties, adopt all beliefs and dogma relating to them and completely throw critical thinking out the damn window while waving around a sign with a man or woman's name on it. It's really bizarre to me.
It isn't even 'Murica, dumbasses.

"Andy Dinham, professor of faith and public policy at Goldsmiths, University of London, is writing up the guidelines that will be put forward to employers this week."
How long before your liberal buddies try that shit here, asshole?
Most religions are cult-like with their beliefs.

Hell, political parties are religions now...very cult-like. People attach to political parties, adopt all beliefs and dogma relating to them and completely throw critical thinking out the damn window while waving around a sign with a man or woman's name on it. It's really bizarre to me.

I'm guessing either you don't now much about cult or don't follow politics much. There's maybe 1 day (in November) when those in a political party either vote for the one they want or "hold their nose" and vote, which is not cult like since they don't believe "all" beliefs etc. The rest of the time of year they're trying to tear the party apart because certain leaders don't believe like they do. For example, liberal Democrats hating H Clinton for being too moderate and Tea Party Republicans tearing down J Bush for the same reason. And then Clinton and Bush supporters shrieking about the others as being too extreme. Even the "extreme" sides of either party can't agree on 1 person. This "cult-like behavior" crap is truly a tired cliche that's blathered about as much as the "there's not a dime's worth of difference" crap. Right-to Life Democrats, Gay Log Cabin Republicans, economically but not socially conservative Republicans etc etc. Just because they look like they agree and a small minority vote for 1 person doesn't mean they are cult-like. Just because they have beliefs or principles and found only 1 political party agrees with those principles and hence they always vote for that party doesn't mean they agree completely with that party and are cult-like.
I'm guessing either you don't now much about cult or don't follow politics much. There's maybe 1 day (in November) when those in a political party either vote for the one they want or "hold their nose" and vote, which is not cult like since they don't believe "all" beliefs etc. The rest of the time of year they're trying to tear the party apart because certain leaders don't believe like they do. For example, liberal Democrats hating H Clinton for being too moderate and Tea Party Republicans tearing down J Bush for the same reason. And then Clinton and Bush supporters shrieking about the others as being too extreme. Even the "extreme" sides of either party can't agree on 1 person. This "cult-like behavior" crap is truly a tired cliche that's blathered about as much as the "there's not a dime's worth of difference" crap. Right-to Life Democrats, Gay Log Cabin Republicans, economically but not socially conservative Republicans etc etc. Just because they look like they agree and a small minority vote for 1 person doesn't mean they are cult-like. Just because they have beliefs or principles and found only 1 political party agrees with those principles and hence they always vote for that party doesn't mean they agree completely with that party and are cult-like.

I'm not stupid and know very much what a cult is. Many religions started out as cults. So, let me rephrase. Many people treat political parties like cults. They treat the speech of one person as the word of god. That's pretty cult-like. You don't have to know that you are in a cult to be in one. It's ok. Many of the fringe groups you mentioned can be considered "sub-cults" or "sects".

A cult is pretty clearly defined in webster's.

  1. a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
    "the cult of St. Olaf"
    • a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.
      "a network of Satan-worshiping cults"
      synonyms: sect, denomination, group, movement, church, persuasion, body,faction
      "a religious cult"
    • a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.
      "a cult of personality surrounding the leaders"
      synonyms: obsession with, fixation on, mania for, passion for, idolization of,devotion to, worship of, veneration of
      "the cult of eternal youth in Hollywood"
Did KL google "naked chicks with bacon" or did he have that image saved? Inquiring minds want to know.
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