Don't take out a billboard but...

Consider this, the poll was conducted via landline, so consider who amongst those responded are people with landlines. Seeing how our fans are younger and don't own or never had a landline I'm going to say it's probabely better than percentage quoted.
Originally posted by Jaredf29:
Consider this, the poll was conducted via landline, so consider who amongst those responded are people with landlines. Seeing how our fans are younger and don't own or never had a landline I'm going to say it's probabely better than percentage quoted.
This was done by PPP, they know how to conduct polls like this. Pretty sure they're not just ignorant of their respondents ages.
Or maybe you can just read the source of the poll answer for questions 21-23 and then go to page 26 of the source where it has the age breakdown, but your pretty sure conclusion seems to work out too.